Chapter 4: Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

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A/N This section has completely new content after the first couple of paragraphs 

How Our Relationship Began: Almost Three Years Prior

Thursday, September 10th, 2015

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover...

I'm the logistics leader for The Honduras Water Project Mission Trip. Our team director this year is Joey. Tonight is our first team meeting! We have already completed interviews and selection. As we are preparing for the meeting and team members are slowly coming in, I see this guy. He's about 5'11, built with black hair. He's wearing black jeans, and a dark blue plaid button up short sleeve shirt. He has gauges in his ears and tattoos covering his arms.

Who is that guy? And why is he here? He definitely looks like he's got the wrong room... and wrong university...

I walk over to Joey and point to the guy, "Who is he?" I ask.

"Oh, his name is Kristian." Disapproval must show on my face because he adds, "He's a really cool guy. You should get to know him."

"Oh, ok," I respond, not totally convinced. I'm gonna keep my eye him. I think to myself.

Friday, September 25th, 2015

What is Done in the Dark Shall Come to Light

I finish working on developing my black and white photos and leave the darkroom at about 1 am. My car is parked in the nursing building parking lot. There's almost like a hidden passageway from the side of the library that goes in the middle of the nursing buildings and leads right to the parking lot. Most people don't know about it because it's in such an obscure place.

As I walk down the side of the library I become aware that there is someone behind me. It's probably just another student or a custodian, I think to myself. Once we get into the little secluded area between the two buildings the man calls out, "Hey baby, wanna suck my dick?"

Oh shit. I need to get to my car quick. I pick up my pace, not bothering to look back. "Uh, no thanks!"

"Come on baby, I'll show you a good time! I promise to make it worth your while. We'll have a fun night just the two of us," He chuckles, but it's a song from the slit throat of a bird.

I'm almost running now. "Not interested!"I bellow still looking straight ahead. Trying to ignore the fear that is stirring in my belly. Just get to your car, just get to your car! I repeat to myself.

Suddenly, he grabs the shoulder of my jacket and then slams me up against the brick wall. I grunt as my head scrapes up against brick and then the familiar wet, sticky feeling of blood runs down the back of my head.

He wraps his hand around my neck and spits at me, "You little bitch! No one turns me down! I always get what I want!"

"Get off me!" I yell as my fingers desperately try to pry his hands off my neck. I'm squirming under his grip and trying to kick him but he has me pinned up against the wall.

"Listen, sweetheart, you're gonna like this whether you want to or not!" He picks me up off my feet for a bit further dragging my head along the brick. I suck in air through my teeth from the pain. Once I'm on my feet again he kisses me along my neck and collarbone and I'm nauseated from the stench of his breath.

"Let go of me! Stop! No!" I struggle to say.

"Shh, baby, we gotta relax you a bit." He moves his hand down in between my legs rubbing me from outside of my jeans. 

Thou Shall NotOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz