Chapter 5: Come Closer

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A/N Sorry about the time in between updates. Life is so busy right now. Also, please let me know if you would like to continue updating at the end while I'm working the middle as well. I will do my best if that's what you guys would like. 

I have to thank Creativefatal1ty for all her support and help! I would have given up a long time ago if it weren't for her! And greysanastasias for all her support and guidance! 

Remember this chapter starts *right* where the last one left off if you need a refresher. Since I'm updating and editing some future chapters may not coincide with what I'm writing now. I will be fixing that. Thanks for all your support! Don't forget to vote and comment! 

Ira's POV

I wake with a start and find myself in a strange car. For a moment or two, I can't remember where I am or how I got here but then everything comes flooding back to me and I realize I'm in Kristian's car.

But why am I alone?

Fear and panic begin to churn within me. I don't know where I'm at. My head is still throbbing from my injury and I can't shake the irrational fear that I will be attacked again. My stomach rolls and I feel acid rising up the back of my throat and suddenly it's like I'm on a rocking boat. I clamber for the door handle, struggling to keep my stomach's contents in their current location until I can at least get the door open. I finally manage to find the door handle and thrust the door open. The alarm goes off, startling me so that I lose control over my stomach's contents which are now splattered across the ground in front of me.

After vomiting, I continue to dry heave, yet I'm still trying to find the strength to stand and get to a place of safety. I barely get into a standing position and am still leaning on the car when Kristian is suddenly at my side.

"What's wrong? What happened?" he asks worriedly.

I pant, trying to stop heaving and to catch my breath. "You were gone... I didn't know where I was, where you were.. how I got here... I panicked and began to get sick. I needed to find somewhere safe," I blurt out when I finally gain the ability to speak.

"I tried to get you to come with me... but you told me to just let you sleep," Kristian says apologetically.

"I did? I don't remember this at all!"

"It's okay, I'm back now. I just needed to get us pjs. You do remember that we are getting a place to stay tonight, right?" Kristian looks at me warily.

I nod and he sighs in relief. I guess he was hoping I didn't think he was trying to pull something.

Once I'm sure my system has settled, he helps me get seated again since I'm unsteady on my feet. As he walks back to his side I can't help thinking how thankful I am for this once upon a time stranger, whom I pegged as from the wrong side of the tracks. He has quickly become a good friend and someone I can't imagine not having around during this surreal turn of events.

We're on our way to a hotel for the night when I start to feel nauseated again.

"Kristian," I groan, "I'm not feeling well... I'm gonna be sick!" I cry out as one of my hands flies to cover my mouth. I'm already throwing up in my hand when he grabs one of the shopping bags and dumps the clothes out of it to hand to me. I quickly take it from him as I empty my stomach into the bag.

"I'm so sorry!" I croak once finished.

"Please don't apologize! It's expected for you to be ill after everything tonight," he tells me. I can only nod quietly. I'm scared that if I open my mouth more than just words will come out.

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