Chapter 6: Minds & Hearts

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A/N As always I need to thank Creativefatal1ty and greysanastasias for their constant help and support! I couldn't do this without them! As a reminder, don't forget I'm still updating chapters so middle chapters may not coincide with the chapters I have updated already. Thank you for your patience. Hope you enjoy the chapter! Please don't forget to let me know your thoughts, and to vote!

Warning there are themes of sexual assault in this chapter.

Saturday, September 26th, 2015

Kristian's POV

I wake up hearing Ira murmuring in her sleep. I catch my name in the middle of it but I can't make out anything else.

What is she saying?  I look down at her trying to make out what she is mumbling. As I look down at her I realize that I'm laying on my back and she's on her side inside the crook of my arm and has a leg thrown over my hips and an arm over my chest, with her hand resting in the center. She has a serene smile on her face and the touch of her hand is delicate.

How did we end up like this? Did I give in and take advantage of her? I begin to panic.

Chill dude, you didn't. You wanted to, but I kept you in line. Ace drops in.

Thanks, man!

My name ain't Ace for nothing you know?

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

I slowly slip out from underneath her and go look at the room service menu.

I wonder what she would like?

I'm skimming over the menu when I hear Ira stir and moan. I look over and she is slowly sitting up with her hands holding her head. "Oh, my head, it's throbbing," she groans.

She's barely sat up for a few moments before she bolts for the bathroom with a hand over her mouth. I hear her throw open the toilet lid right before she starts vomiting.

I cautiously approach the bathroom, "Ira, are you alright? Can I do anything?"

"Just let me be, you shouldn't have to see any more of this," she tells me in between heaving.

I don't say anything and instead, kneel behind her and hold her hair back. After a moment her stomach calms and she leans back into me panting.

"Ira, I'm getting concerned. Maybe we need to go back to the ER?"

"No, it's just from the pain of my headache. I'm fine." she asserts. "Vomiting is only an issue if it's right after the injury."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Pre-nursing student, remember?" she tells me with a cocked eyebrow.

I chuckle, "Okay fine, trusting the pre-nursing student. I don't know if you're feeling up to it now but I was going to order room service for breakfast."

"Yeah, I just need a minute in the bathroom," she looks up at me.

"Oh! Sure, sorry!" She giggles at my muddled response. I slowly get up and exit the bathroom giving her some privacy.

Ira's POV

I finish what I need to in the bathroom and rejoin Kristian in the suite.

"Are you feeling well enough to eat?" Kristian asks me.

"Um, I can probably eat a little something," I shrug.

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