... Or Is It?

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A scream filled the air of the Bahamas. 

It was a scream filled with terror and confusion, agony and sadness. 

That scream beckoned for answers. For help.

Through the sunny day, I looked up, and I realized it. A mother screamed as she watched her child falling a waterfall. It must have been an accident. No child would want to drop that drop. It was too high.

People watched and gasped as the child fell to the death.

But not me.

I jumped up from my towel and sprinted as fast as I could towards the child. They were nearing the water. I had to act quick or else they would die.

I had to save them. 

I jumped up, outstretching my arms and felt myself flying through the air and then...

The child landed safely in my arms.

I smiled at the little boy, panting heavily as the waterfall poured down on both of us. No worries. This child was safe and sound...


I looked around as people stared at me. Staring at the girl who was now floating in the air, had just saved a child. But how was she floating, they were wondering. She was several feet above the ground. And floating. Flying, was the correct term.

But how could she fly if she didn't have any more powers? was the real question.

I guess I just answered that.

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