Chapter 2

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Morgans POV

I woke up and slipped out of bed I went and got into the shower washed my body and hair. I dried my body and went back into my room and got dressed.

 I decided on wearing some black high waisted shorts and my galaxy sweatshirt.

 I went into my bathroom and did my make-up I was almost done when someone i'm guessing Jc banged on the door yelling "Get out already you been in there for like a hour.".

 '' Damn someone is grumpy this morning.'' I smirked.

 I opened the door to seeing a half naked Jc, "Finally!" Jc said going into the bathroom.

 I rolled my eyes at him and went into my room and put my hair in a messy bun and walked downstairs see Jc eating some ego bites.

 I went to the door and grabbed my galaxy converse shoes and slipped them on.

 I sat next to Jc and stole one or two or his egos while he wasn't looking. After I ate I got up and went to get my penny broad and Jc did the same and we starting skating to school.

 Then it hit me I remembered yesterday after school when Jc punched Sam in the face after that we didn't talk about it.

 So many questions were running threw my head like will 

"Sam still bullying me?"

 "Will Sam talk to me or ignore me?"

 I just kept thinking about that first question "Will Sam still bullying me"

 I guess I will see when I get to school.. 


We got to school and I watched as Jc went up to his friends. I walked up to my locker and put my penny board in my locker, then all of sudden some one slammed my locker right on to my hand.

I'm not going to lie it hurt like a bitch.

I looked up and saw Sam with a smirk on his face. 

"That's for your brother punching me" Sam snickered.

 After he finished speaking he began to punched me in the stomach. Micheal and Taylor my other bully's came and joined Sam.

 I don't know who it was but someone kicked me as hard as they could and in my head Before I lost  all of my consciousness I heard some one say " Shit dude did we kill her?".

 After that everything went black. I woke up in the nurses office and looked around and tried to sit up but, it hurt to much. 

" Oh good your awake!" said my school nurse.

 I did a crooked smile. 

"Well sweety you can stay here as long as your won't or you can go to lunch." The nurse spoke quietly.

  "Um.. I will go to lunch i'm starving." I sighed.

 The nurse smiled "Okay, come back if you need anything.".

I thanked her and then walked into the cafeteria.

 I got some food and then I looked for my only friend Nash. Yes, Nash Grier He has been my best friend since day 1.

 The only problem is that he is only in 2 of my classes and Sam is in 4 of them. I finally found Nash and went to sit with him.

 I sat down and we just started talking about random stuff.

 I went to the rest of my classes. The last bell had rang I walked to my locker and grabbed my penny broad.

 I started walking away but then Sam pulled my back. 

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