Chapter 16

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Morgans POV

I woke to my alarm beeping I shut it off and realized it was Monday Great! (Note the sarcasm) I sighed getting up and walking to the bathroom.

 I got to the doorway of the bathroom and there was Jc bent over the toilet puking.

 "That's what you get!" I said rolling my eyes.

 He gave me the finger and I said "Love ya too big bro.".

 I went back into my room for a little bit and then when I didn't hear Jc groaning and cussing under his breath I walk back into the bathroom, and jumped in the shower. 


I got out of the shower and did my makeup and put on a outfit that I threw together which was a vans sweatshirt and denim pants. 

I walked downstairs to see Jc watching TV so I deiced to scare him since didn't hear me coming down the stairs. 

I slowly creeped up to him and grabbed his shoulders and screamed at the same time.

 He jumped and looked back at me with a mad/why did you do that face.

 I Just started laughing and he got up and grabbed his keys and said "Come on you little fucker i'm driving us to school.".

 I quickly slipped on my black converse and grabbed my bag and ran out the to Jc's car.

 I got in the passengers seat, and he got in the drivers, and started to back out of our driveway. 

I put in my beats and started blasting 5sos Amnesia. 


 We finally pulled up to hell (school) I felt tapping on my shoulder so I took out one beat and looked over at jc 

"Yeah?" I asked.

 "I need to talk to you after school so be home by 7:00 tonight." He said.

 "Ok." I said with a slight smile.

 I got out of Jc's car and so did he and we went out separate was.

 I walked in school with my head held low as usual.

 I bumped in someone and before I could say sorry.

 The person I bumped into lifted my chin and I met beautiful brown eyes it was Sam.

 "Stop doing that." He said with a smile and a kinda serious face. 

"Doing what." I asked.

 "Holding your head low Your too beautiful." He said with a smile.

 I smiled at him and he crashed his lips on my at first I was a little bit taken back but, I soon got comfortable and kissed back.

 The kiss was about 10 seconds maybe I don't know but, as soon as we pulled away all of my butterfly's in my stomach were slowly flying away.

 I looked around us and some people looked at Sam and I surprised and some didn't even noticed.

 I shrugged it off and told Sam bye and gave him a quick peck on the lips. 

I quickly walked to my locker and put some stuff in and took some stuff out I shut my locker and as soon as i turned I saw them Bri,Macy,Sammy,Ellisa and last but not least Morgan L.

 I looked at them surprised but then I put myself together and asked

 "What do y'all want?" I asked kinda rude.

 "Look Morgan we are really sorry!" Bri said. 

"Ya we are." everyone else said BUT Ellisa just rolled her eyes which I wasn't surprised because she is has a real hated for me I have no idea why.

 Macy elbowed Ellisa but, not hard. 

"Ya we are." Ellisa said in a faint voice. ".

 "Do you think you can forgive us Morgan?" Sammy asked.

 "umm... sure I guess." I said with a half smile." 

"But you have alot to makeup for." I added in.

 "Thank you Morgan." Morgan L was the first to blurt out. She came up to me and hugged me and every else hugged me too even Ellisa she gave in and hugged me but it was only a half a second. We all said our goodbyes, and walked our ways to class. 


I walked into the lunch room and found a empty table I wasn't hungry so I just sat there on twitter.

 "hey." I heard a girls voice say.

 I instantly new it was Morgan L. "Heyy." I said smiling at her. 

"I didn't know you were in my lunch." She said. 

"Ya alot of people don't know I am." I said with a half smile.

 "Hey look Morgan I'm really sorry for everything about everything that has happened." She said kinda sad.

 I just halfed smiled at her "hey maybe we can hang out sometime." She said with hope in her eyes.

 "Ya I liked that." I said with a smile.

 The rang and we said our goodbyes and I made my way to class.

_____AFTER SCHOOL_____

I walked out of the out of the school with my penny bored in my hand even thought Jc drove me this morning I still take this thing every where.

"Heyy Princess." Sam said and kissed me on the cheek. 

"Hey." I said.

 "Wanna go on a ride." He said holding his penny up.

 "Yep let's go." I gleamed. 


Me and Sam skated for awhile and I soon looked at my phone a realized it was already 6:50 

"Oh shit." I said.

 "What's wrong?" Sam asked kinda worried.

 "I have to be home by 7:00 I will text you later." I said give him a quick peck on the lips and started skating home.


I got to my front door and opened it to see...


And a cliff hanger hahaha! I hope you guys liked this chapter Like,Comment and Share! I love you guy! ~Logan

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