Chapter 5

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Morgans POV

I woke up and sat up to see what time it was it was 6:00 am.

 Well I can't go back to sleep now, I got up and went to go get in the shower I did my morning routine blah blah. 

I went to my closet to find what to wear. 

I decided on wearing a black tank top and a army jacket and then I put on some light wash denim pants.

 And did my hair in a messy ponytail (YES, IT IS A THING!).

 I walked down stairs and got out my favorite cereal Frosted Flakes.

 I poured me a bowl.

 When I finished Jc came down stairs dressed.

 "You ready?" He Jc asked.

 "Yep Lets go!" I said putting on some black combat boots.

 I grabbed my penny board and Jc did the same and we started skating to school.

At School (Still Morgans POV)

We got to school and Jc told me to call him if I needed anything I nodded my head and walked to my locker.

 I put my stuff in and took my World History book out since it was my first class.

 I started walking to class but someone pulled my waist back.

 I looked up and saw Sam I was relived but scared at the same time. 

"P-Please don't h-hurt me." I stuttered.

 "Why not that wouldn't be fun." he said with an evil smirk.

 I can't believe I thought he actually changed. So I closed my eyes and ready for the kicks,slaps,punches and to be pushed around.

 First there was a slap. Then a punch. Then a push. I feel to the ground just waiting for the kicks.

 They never came instead I heard punches thrown just not at me.

 I peaked a little and I saw Nash punching Sam. 

I opened both of my eyes and saw they we both throwing punches. 

I earned enough strength and got up.

 Nash saw me and he pushed Sam away. 

They both had a little blood here and there on their face.

 I just stood their shocked.

 By this time Sam walked away. 

I ran up to Nash and hugged they life out of him.

 "Thank you." I whispered in his ear.

 "Your welcome beautiful." He spoke quietly.

 We slowly pulled away and we just talked for the rest of the school day.

After School (Sams POV)

I got out of my last period and walking over to my locker.

 I haven't seen her all day I hope shes okay.

 I know what your thinking Sam why do you care if she's okay you beat the shit out of her anyway.

 I know i'm a dick.. I got to my locker and opened it then a note fell out I picked it up and read it.

"I know you like Morgan and if you don't treat her right I will.. - Nash"

What does that mean. Does that mean he will take her from me?? Oh hell no that won't happen. I'm going to Morgans house right now I slammed my locker shut and made my way to Morgans house.

Morgans POV

It was after school and Nash said He would walk me home. 

Before we left he said that he had to go to go do something I nodded and saw him take a piece of paper out of his pocket.

 I shrugged it off and we started walking to my house. I had my penny board in one hand and Nash's hand in the other.

 I smiled the whole way home it felt good to have someone by mine side who wouldn't back stab me.

 We got to my house to my house and gave him a good long hug.

 He slowly pulled away and we both gazed in each others eyes and we both leaned in but, before our lips touched we heard and noise so we pulled away and saw Sam just sitting there awkwardly.

 "May I help you?" I asked.

 "Um.. I just needed to talk to you." he said scratching the back of his neck.

 "Um.. sure." I said giving Nash its okay look.

 I gave Nash another hug and he left. Me and Sam went up to my room and he began talking.

Sams POV

I started skating to Morgan's house when I got there I saw her and Nash about to kiss.

 I couldn't let her kiss him so I cleared my throat loud enough for them to hear.

 They pulled away from each other 

"May I help you?" Morgan said.

 "Um.. I just needed to talk to you." I mumbled.

 "Um.. sure??" she questioned.

 Nash and her hugged and he left giving me a death stare.

 Then I followed Morgan into her room I started talking.

 " Morgan i'm so sorry that I bully you I don't know why I do I guess its cause I wanna stay popular..

 I know its a really stupid reason to bully you but I am stupid.

 "Morgan I just wanted to let you know i'm sorry and I under stand if you don't accept my apology I just want you to know Morgan i'm in love with you and I have been since day one." I confessed.

Morgans POV

"Morgan I have been in love with you since day one." He said.

 At that moment my heart stop for little bit.

 I looked up at Sam and he had hope and worry in his eyes. 

At that moment I don't know what came over me but I just hugged Sam.

 We slowly pulled away and we both leaned in.

 Questions kept going threw my head like 

"do you really want to kiss him?"


" do you want him to be your first kiss?"

 And then it hit me he will be my first kiss. Before I could pull back his lips smashed onto mine and he snaked his hand around my waist.

 At first I didn't kiss back back but then I gave in and kissed back.

 All I felt was sparks every where I think i'm in love with Sam Pottorff.. 

We were still kissing when the door opened and it was....


Who do you think it will be?? If you like my story comment, vote and follow! Thanks I love you guys stay beautiful! ~Logan

(THIS IS THE OLD NASH BTW WHEN HE WAS ACTUALLY CUTE!!! Oops did I just say that out loud.)

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