Chapter 6

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Jc's POV

I had just gotten home from Kian's house and I was starving so I deiced to ask Morgan if she wanted anything to eat.

 So I went up stairs and opened her door, and I saw her and Sam making out. 

I didn't know what had hit me so I just flipped.

Morgans POV

Me and Sam were still kissing when the door opened and it was Jc.

 "Oh fuck." I whispered under my breath. 

Then Jc just started to freak the fuck out.

 "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE." He said clenching his fist. 

At that point I was terrifie , I looked over at Sam and he looked terrified as well. 

"Jc please stop!" I said. 

"NO I want HIM out of this HOUSE." He said threw his teeth.

 I looked at Sam and he understood he got up and started walking out of my room. 

Before he made it to the steps Jc grabbed Sam's arm and whispered something to him that I couldn't hear.

 I looked at Jc when Sam walked out of the house.

 His face was filled with disappointment and anger. He went to his room and slammed his door shut just like that I was alone.

Sams POV

When I was heading downstairs Jc grabbed my arm and pulled me back, and whispered in my ear 

"You better stay the fuck away from my sister."I sighed and nodded and went out of their house.

 All I kept thinking about that night was the kiss.. I felt sparks everywhere I hope she felt the same way.

Morgans POV (Sorry for going to person to person. It will stay on Morgan for a while)

I quickly walked and to my door slammed and locked it, and jumped on my bed the rest of the night I cried myself to sleep.


I woke up and I decided to skip school.

I went to the bathroom, and I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked like I got hit by a train.

 My eyes were puffy and red my hairs was going in every direction it could, and my skin was so pale.

 I took a quick shower and dried my body off and then let my hair air dry.(Am I the only person who doesn't blow dry their hair?!?!?!)

 I went back into my room and put on some pj shorts and one of Jc's sweatshirts.

 I went downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed some AriZona's and then 3 bags of Twizzlers. 

I sat down on my living room couch and watched Netflix the rest of the day. 

It was 10 at night so I decided to go to sleep since I decided to go to school tomorrow.

I jumped into bed and drifted of to sleep.


I woke up to the beeping sound of my alarm and quickly turned it off and got up.

 I did my morning routine and all of that.

 I deiced on wearing light was high waisted shorts and a neon purple sweater tucked in, and I left my hair naturally straight. 

I walked down stairs and didn't see Jc or anybody at all I just assumed he left to school early and my mom just most likely had to work early.

 So I grabbed a banana to snack on and put my black converse shoes on and grabbed my penny board and I was off to school YAY (note the sarcasm).


 I got to school and went to my locker and put my penny board in and grabbed my books. My books were slapped down on the ground.

 I expected to look up and see Sam but it was only Michael and Taylor.

 They started calling me names like whore, slut and bitch the usual.... The started hitting me and kicking me soon after. Then they just stopped and left me there.

 Soon the first bell rang and I just sat there with my back up against my locker. 

 I gathered enough strength and got up. I walked passed the janitors closets on the way to the bathroom and I heard a moaning nosie from the janitors closet. 

So I backed up and opened the door and saw Sam and the school slut Nichole making out. 

I felt tears brimming my eyes and then it just all poured out at that point Sam noticed I was there. I started running to my locker and grabbing my penny board and skated home. I heard foot steps behind me and it was Sam he kept yelling my name and telling me to stop, but I just kept going. 

I got to my house and opened the door running inside and locking it. I cried the rest of night and finally got the strength and walked to my bathroom searching for my razor.

 I found it and sat it on top of my skin and slowly cutting my delicate skin savoring every single cut I made on my soft skin. I finished and cleaned my cuts up and went to sleep thinking about SAM.


I know its kinda short but i'm really tired so ya. I am going to make a longer one tomorrow! ~Logan 

(PLEASE NEVER self harm over a boy it's pointless who ever it is they are not worth scarring  your beautiful skin for.. You are gorgeous even you don't think so I love every single one you guys.. ) 

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