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Blood, it ran through Donghyuck's veins like a wild river, his heart pumping tiredly just to keep him alive.

He was alive, but he wasn't living.

Like most people, he never thought about the blood that constantly circulates throughout his entire body, you know, keeping us alive.

Instead, he thought about things like relationships. His friends were having their own relationships, happily in love.

And then... there was Donghyuck.

The epitome of single.

Donghyuck had never dated in his life. No boy or girl had ever come to his interest. He wanted someone, anyone, yet no one was good enough. Or maybe deep within he thought he wasn't good enough for anyone else.

His friend Chenle had tried to set him up on several romantic meet ups, but none of them really settled well with him.

Jaemin had said he was being too difficult, that he wanted someone who didn't exist, that he was so precise on everything he wanted in someone that they'd have to be an angel.

Why couldn't Donghyuck have an angel? He just wanted love. To love and be loved. So what if he had an exact person in mind. Why couldn't they exist? And why couldn't they exist near him? In his opinion life just wasn't fair. Mother nature liked to kick his ass on the daily.

"Can you get out of dreamland?"

Donghyuck turned to look at his friends. At least he had friends.

"What is it?"

"We were talking about having a sleepover tonight." Chenle beamed.

"Sleepover? Are we twelve?" Donghyuck chortled. Renjun elbowed him in the side.

"Don't disappoint him." He whispered to him.

"Don't disappoint him." Donghyuck mocked his words and continued walking.

"Come on party pooper! Lets have some fun tonight." Jeno ruffled Donghyuck's light brown hair. He had dyed it red forever ago, but it was starting to fade.

Just like his hope for a relationship.

"Fine, but we are NOT watching those disgusting romantic movies." Donghyuck stuck out his tongue, Jaemin rolling his eyes in return.

"You only say that because you don't know anything about love."

"And what do you know about love, Chenle?"

"I know I don't need love to be happy. I have you guys." Chenle smiled so brightly that Donghyuck shielded his eyes. Chenle wrapped his arms around Renjun and Jisung, pulling them close to him in a side hug as he continued to walk.

Donghyuck could see the darkness at the end of the hall. Outside the school doors lay a brewing storm. It was like a steaming tea kettle on the edge of exploding. It seemed as if the air itself had turned grey, everything tinted blue.

"I don't wanna go out there." Jisung whined as he dramatically dropped to his knees.

"Lucky me, I have to stay for detention." Jaemin cheered sarcastically, "Yippee!"

"I have to stay behind too. Who's house are we meeting up at?"

Chenle glanced at Jisung and then at Donghyuck, giving them both looks.

"So did you get detention too, Jeno or-?" Chenle asked with smirk on his lips.

"We'll be meeting at Chenle's of course!" Renjun interrupted with a fake smile on his face. He wrapped a hand around Chenle's mouth, who kicked around in protest.

Grow your own boyfriend // MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now