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"I think we're trying too hard." Renjun sighed and leaned against his faded blue locker.

"I don't think so, I think it's just too big." Chenle shrugged.

"Mm, I don't think so."

"Mm, I'm the one that has to deal with it most so I think so." Chenle argued.

"Jaemin and Jeno wouldn't think so."

"Those two don't count! They're just crazy and gay."

"I think that sums up most of our friends. Anyway, should we try again tonight?"

"Not tonight, I'm going to Jisung's."

"Oh come on! You missed the last three study sessions to go to Jisung's."

"I'm tired Junnie leave me alone!"

"Whatever," Renjun scoffed, "when do you think we should tell them about it?"

"I'm not sure if we should yet? I mean we're not even sure about it."

"What do you mean we're not sure? We've already started it! I thought we talked about this."

"Well excuse me for being nervous Jun! This whole thing is actually really important to me, you know?"

"Of course I know Lele," Renjun sighed and wrapped a comforting arm around Chenle's shoulders, "We're in this together, remember?"

Jaemin's eyes were squinting so hard it was a surprise he could see at all. He was standing down the hall from the pair, holding Jeno's hand as he waited for him to get his stuff out of his locker.

"They're definitely hiding something, those little rats." Jaemin mumbled as he peered holes into the two boy's heads.

"Who?" Jeno asked as he shut his locker and turned around.

"Chenle and Junnie. Those two are up to something and keeping it from us."

"Is this another one of your gut feelings?" Jeno asked with a roll of his eyes.

Jaemin slapped Jeno's peck with the back of his hand. "Shut up! When have my gut feelings ever been wrong?"

"I have a list, babe."

"Fight me," Jaemin huffed and stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend. "Lets go sniff them out."

Jaemin pulled a very unwanting Jeno behind him, practically dragging his reluctant ass.

"Hey boys!" Jaemin smiled and waved.

Chenle and Renjun instantly stopped chatting about whatever and went silent, nodding awkward hellos.

Oh, they were soo hiding something.
Jaemin was totally going to figure this out.

They began chatting as they usually did in the mornings. When Jisung arrived Chenle and Jaemin got hype with him over some boy group comeback, jumping around like idiots.

"Where's Hyuck by the way?" Jisung asked, peaking around the halls.

"Yeah it's weird, he usually gets here before you." Renjun added, but shrugged.

In all honesty he was still a little shaken with the phone call he got from Donghyuck yesterday. The boy was mumbling and sounded incredibly panicked. He was saying a bunch about a Mark and everything, which was even weirder.
Renjun didn't know a Mark.

He only grew more concerned when the call suddenly cut.

Oh well, surely Donghyuck would show up later and explain everything.

Grow your own boyfriend // MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now