don't fall apart on me

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"Mark, stop." Donghyuck moaned. His head lolled off the edge of the bed, his hair flipping backwards because gravity and brushing the floor. "Mark!" He called again, this time more of a whine, clearly not too agitated with what was happening.

"What?" Mark answered, coming back up to Donghyuck's face.

"I'm tired." He whined again, kicking Mark's knee in a fit.

"I know, I'm trying to help you." Mark sighed and sat on his heels down between Donghyuck's legs. "You're really heavy." Mark groaned as he pulled Donghyuck by his legs towards him.

"Fuck you." Donghyuck mumbled tiredly, yawning between words.

"You won't be saying that when you wake up you little gremlin." Mark finally pulled Donghyuck up against him, which was even harder as the boy was completely relaxed and dead weight.

"Whatever, just let me sleep."

Mark pulled Donghyuck's head against his chest and fell backwards, letting out a heavy sigh as his head hit the pillow. Donghyuck was the worst sleeper he had ever seen, not that he had a lot to go off of though.

Donghyuck woke up the next morning to an empty but surprisingly warm bed. When he raised up he realized there were flower petals scattered on his sheets.

"That fucking sap." He groaned and forced himself out of bed, reading the note on his bedside while getting dressed. "I'm doing another thingy with Ty. Have a good day at school! <3"

"He writes like a mom." Donghyuck giggled quietly to himself and continued to get ready. As he walked out of his room and glanced at Jaehyun's closed door, he was tempted to check up on Mark. Now that he thought about it, he had no idea what went on behind that door. He probably didn't want to know, but when Mark was in there he did.

Despite his curiosity, he forced himself to school as he was already a little late.

"What's up fuckers?" Chenle smirked as he walked towards their group of friends.

Renjun suddenly jumped up from where he was leaning against the locker. "Why do you have my phone?"

"Fuck you, that's why." Chenle stuck out his tongue, only to nearly choke on that tongue when Renjun attacked him.

"Language! Bitch." Renjun snatched the phone and gave Chenle a small slap before pulling him over to their friends by his hair. "You see what I put up with?"

"Aw look at the little cuties~" Jaemin cooed, causing both Renjun and Chenle to recoil.

"Where's Jeno?" Donghyuck asked as he wrapped an arm around Jaemin's shoulders.

"I don't really know, he's just not here yet." Jaemin shrugged and all of his friends gave him a weird look.

"Okay Nana, what's actually going on? You and Jeno always know what the other is up to. It's a little freaky actually."

"Shut up. He's just not here yet guys, that's all. Maybe he's sick. Besides, we're not attached at the hip, I don't always know where he is."

Okay this was definitely weird. If Jeno was sick Jaemin would absolutely know.

"I call bullshit."

Donghyuck pulled Jaemin aside and eyed him. "What's up Jaem?"

"Didn't I already tell you?"

"Drop the shit drama queen and tell me what happened." Donghyuck deadpanned.

"You're the drama queen here," Jaemin chuckled softly, much acquainted with Donghyuck's verbal abuse. "I don't know something kind of happened yesterday and now things are a little weird."

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