Movie dates and forgotten plans

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Donghyuck was trying to avoid going home with Mark as much as physically possible, so when Lucas asked him if he wanted to go to a movie, he quickly agreed.

He usually didn't go out like this, especially with someone like Lucas. Not that he had anything against Lucas, but the guy was quite popular in school and had a lot of friends to choose from. Donghyuck usually didn't like people like that.

Lucas wasn't too bad though, just a little hyperactive and dumb. And loud. Donghyuck could deal, he was used to those. Chenle was like a miniature Lucas most of the time.

The main difference between Lucas and the other assholes though, was that he had a good heart. He was an absolute airhead, god yes, but he loved others more than he loved himself. Well, almost.

Mark wouldn't get upset or anything. He wholeheartedly supported Donghyuck getting out of the house more and hanging out with friends. Donghyuck liked that about him.
That and many other things. Like how good of a kisser he was. But that was not the point. The loveable jerk was literally made to kiss after all.

Besides, it wasn't like a date or anything. Donghyuck was going with Lucas and one of his friends. From the way Lucas talked, it sounded like Donghyuck would be more of a third wheel than anything.

They were on their way to the theater when they bumped into the three stooges, as Donghyuck so kindly liked to call them.

"Where we going?" Renjun asked with a raise of his brow.

"We are not going anywhere." Donghyuck grumbled, flicking his friend's forehead.

"It's a figure of speech, asshole." Renjun barked.

"This wouldn't happen to be a date, would it?" Jaemin asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

Jeno elbowed him in the side.

Donghyuck was about to politely say absolutely not when Lucas laughed loud enough to drown him out.

"Yeah, totally," Lucas winked and threw an arm around Donghyuck's shoulders.

Jaemin's eyes widened comically, "Wait, actually? But what about Mar-"

He was cut off by a hand over his mouth. It was Renjun's.

"Mark?" Lucas asked with a confused expression.

Donghyuck sent Jaemin a death glare.

"It's a long story," Renjun waved it off.

"Are you and Mark a thing?" Lucas peered down at Donghyuck, who flushed in return. He especially didn't like this sudden attention.

"Well, not- not exactly-" Donghyuck stuttered. He wanted to off himself.

"As a matter of fact," Jaemin interrupted Donghyuck's rambling, "They are, and I don't know how Mark would feel about you being all over his man."

Lucas instantly took his arm off of Donghyuck and took a whole step back. Why in the world would he be afraid of Mark? He could probably throw him across a football field.

"I'm sorry man. Don't tell your boyfriend, please. You know I wasn't hitting on you, right? I like to mess around a lot, but you're really cool and I'd never do that to you."

Aw, Donghyuck almost found it cute.

"He's joking," Jeno stated, trying to clear the mess his boyfriend had created, as always. "They aren't official, but Mark totally has the hots for him so I'd be careful."

Lucas nodded a little too enthusiastically and Donghyuck thought his head might pop off. Then, a huge disgusting grin grew on the giant's face.

"I can totally help with that! If my buddy has the hots for someone, I'll totally help him."

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