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"So," Donghyuck looked up to find Mark staring intently at him from the deep wooden floors.


Donghyuck looked back down at the strings of his pants, twirling them around his finger. "I have a lot of questions."

"I'm sure you do," Mark smiled up at him affectionately "I have a lot of answers."

"Okay, first question. What are you?"

Mark faked a wince. "Ouch Hyuckie, that hurts."

"I know but-"

"I'm your boyfriend." There it was again, that same damned smile.

"No, more than that." Donghyuck frowned.

"We can be more than that if you want, darling." Mark bit his lip and winked.

Donghyuck hated him to hell and back.

"Stop it, Mark, seriously."

"Sorry." Mark replied sheepishly, trying to calm himself down. He had a tendency of getting too giddy over the littlest things, especially if those things had to do with his Hyuckie.

"Where did you come from? Who named you Mark? Why are you so attractive? When did you grow? How did you become so big? Were you that plant thing? Who are you?"

After Donghyuck got done shouting a bunch of questions and gasping for air, he looked back at Mark. The boy's face was solemn.

"Donghyuck," Donghyuck could feel the shivers with the sudden serious tone "Let me ask you something first."

He gulped. "Yes Mark?"

"Before I answer any of that, do you intend at all for me to be your boyfriend?"

Donghyuck froze, gaze instantly snapping back down at his hands. Did he? Did he plan for Mark to actually be his boyfriend. That was what he was there for after all. Wouldn't he be bored if he couldn't even do his job?

"W-well," Donghyuck mumbled.

"Hyuckie," Mark placed a hand on his knee and smiled softly at him. "It's okay."

But Mark didn't look like everything was okay. He shuffled around anxiously and his smile fought with his somber eyes.

Now that he thought about it, Mark was probably just as nervous as him, if not more. What was going to happen to him if he went back where he came from?

"Mark, I've never been in a relationship and just the thought of one m-makes me nervous. I-it's not that I don't like you, you're absolutely wonderful and-"

Mark cut off his nervous rambling, much to his relief. While staring down at his fumbling hands, Mark had moved from the ground to the bed, grabbing Donghyuck's chin in his slender fingers.

"Mark?" Donghyuck struggled to meet his eyes as Mark forced his face in his direction.

"Don't worry about any of that right now." Mark's voice was soft and soothing, making Donghyuck's body less tense. However, his heart rate picked up. He forced himself to take some shaking breaths.

"Just say the words, do you want me to stay?"

Donghyuck wanted to swan dive out of his bedroom window.

"I don't want you to leave." Donghyuck admitted quietly after a nerve-wracking few minutes of silence. Seriously, the mood was suffocating.

Though, he may have just been choking on Mark's beauty.

Grow your own boyfriend // MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now