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So uh, this was awkward.

Donghyuck was still very much pinned against the wall. Mark was still very much the one pinning him against it. This was great.

"Okay, but do you mind, uh, letting me go?"

Mark backed away with a sheepish smile. "Sorry."

"What do you want to explain?"

"You know why I'm here, right?"

"To be my boyfriend?"

"Exactly. As I'm sure you've already guessed, I'm coming to your school now to spend more time with you. What I was trying to say earlier was that I'm also doing it to get an education."

"But why though? School sucks."

Mark chuckled. "Yeah, but like I said I love to learn and if I go to school I can get a better job and support you."

"I don't need you to support me, thanks." Donghyuck scoffed. It was all he could do to keep himself from melting with Mark's unbelievably cheesy words. Also from the heat, it was uncomfortably warm.

"But I want to," Mark took a cautious step closer. "Because I love you."

"Mark, I don't-"

"Wait, let me explain." Mark's eyes were pleading, his pupils shining like a star with Donghyuck's name on it.


"I didn't say that well. I meant so I can support us. I don't ever want you to have to worry over trivial things like money. That's also why I got a job."

Donghyuck choked. "You got a what?"

"A job. Well, several jobs."

"Why in the world did you do that? How did you do that?"

"Don't worry about the silly little details, just know I'm going to take care of you."

Donghyuck sat down to think for a moment. Was Mark on drugs? He had to be, no sane person would ever do all this.

"Why are you doing this?"

Mark sat down beside Donghyuck and took his hand in his. "Because I love you."

"No, you don't Mark. You're just supposed to think that because your sole purpose is to be my boyfriend."

Mark pulled Donghyuck's hand to his chest, which startled him at first. "Can you feel my heartbeat?"

"Yes, it's quite fast."

"Exactly. I am alive and breathing and with each heartbeat I, Mark Lee, really like Donghyuck."

"Really like?"

"I thought maybe 'love' made you uncomfortable, so let's start there." Mark let genuine emotion tug at his mouth until bright teeth showed behind thin pink lips.

It was comforting and it was warm and Donghyuck would almost call it perfect.

"I-I really don't know what you want me to say, Mark."

"I don't want you to say anything," Mark hummed and stood up "I'll wait for you."

Donghyuck was puzzled.

"Have you been reading too many romantic novels or what?"

"I simply say what's in my heart."

"Your heart's gross!" Donghyuck scoffed and looked the other way.

Mark got up to go grab something from the kitchen, stopping halfway there and turning back with a hint of a smirk on those thin pink lips.

"I like those pants by the way. Well, you in those pants. More specifically I like your thighs in those pants."

"Are you done?"

"I'm trying to say I like your thighs."

"You're weird."

Mark winked at him before disappearing into the kitchen. After hearing the fridge door scream in excitement from being opened, Donghyuck scrambled for his phone.


"Hey, okay so-" Donghyuck poured his heart out until he was sure it had seeped through the phone and was currently pulsating in Jaemin's hands.

Jaemin would have thrown it in the trash for sure. Donghyuck didn't blame him.

After hanging up on Jaemin Donghyuck didn't feel too much better, but he could deal.

What was he going to do about Mark? The boy was in love with him and he just wasn't ready for that. He'd have to turn him down... but how?

His thoughts were interrupted by said boy walking back into the living room. He had an odd look on his face.

"What did you do?"

"I may have gotten milk in your microwave."

"How the hell did you-" Donghyuck took a deep breath and forced a smile. "You know what, why don't you just for me upstairs yeah?"

Mark smiled and nodded, skipping upstairs like he didn't have a care in the world. It almost pissed Donghyuck off.

One thing was for sure, he was going to kill Renjun.

When he entered his room Mark was lying on the bed like a model ready to be painted. He groaned.

"Why do you look perfect no matter what? This isn't even fair. The girls were about to lose their shit at school."

Mark looked up from the book in his hands and grinned. "If it makes you feel any better I think you're far more gorgeous than I could ever be."

"I think you're blind." Donghyuck sat beside him and stretched.

"They say love is blind." Mark shrugged. "Hey, wanna go on a date?"


Mark frowned. "Oh come on, I start work Wednesday and I won't be able to spend much time with you after that."

"Too bad so sad." Donghyuck teased as he took the book from Mark's hands.

"I'm doing this for you." Mark sighed and lay back on the bed, making a only slightly inappropriate noise as he stretched.

Donghyuck lay beside him on the Crimson sheets. The book in his hands was worn and he traced the cracks in the hardcover. It was obvious he wasn't interested at all in the book, his eyes going over the title again and again without even registering it.

Mark was admiring the cracks in Donghyuck's hands instead of the pages themselves. His eyes traced the way Donghyuck's fingers traced the book. He brung his hand up to run his finger across Donghyuck's knuckles.

Donghyuck turned to him but didn't speak. His eyes followed Mark's fingertips dancing across his hand and tracing the very details.

"Mark," Donghyuck whispered, as if the air around them would too break if his voice went a few octaves too high.

"Yes, Hyuckie?"

Donghyuck only stayed quiet, turning his hand over to let Mark now trace along his palm.

Mark soaked up every detail, wanting to be able to remember Donghyuck's every fiber even blind. "I really like you."

"I know." Donghyuck whispered back.

"I'll take care of you."

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?"

Mark laughed quietly, and Donghyuck could feel his shoulders shake. "Shut up and let me love you."



The fact that people actually really like my story(πーπ)I love you guys! I'm sorry I'm having trouble with updates and I don't really feel like my story's that good? Thank you for being patient with the slow updates and short chap. I'll try to pick things up soon. Good day <3

Grow your own boyfriend // MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now