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If you don't like the ship jaeno/nomin you can probably just skip this chapter. It's just a wee bit important development wise. I don't want anyone to be uncomfortable :)


Jaemin just wanted a normal evening for once.

He was walking home from school and spun around as Chenle dashed past him.

"Have you seen Jisung?"

"He's still at the school. Have you seen Jeno?"

"He's probably up your ass somewhere!" Chenle cackled, darting off before Jaemin could beat him.

"Hey, watch your mouth!" Jaemin yelled after the fleeting figure.

He lost Jeno somewhere among the crowd of students trying to rush out of the hell hole as fast as possible. He assumed Jeno would just text him, but he hadn't yet.

"I miss hiiim," Jaemin whined to himself. "Why am I so needy?"

"I have no idea." Someone chuckled from behind him.

Jaemin spun on his heel to see his eye smile boyfriend looking like the sun itself. Okay, maybe he was a little biased, but that wasn't the point.

"Where were you, you idiot."

"You just said you missed me and now you're calling me names." Jeno walked up beside Jaemin and intertwined their fingers with a grin.

"Whatever, I hate you."

"I bet I can make you say otherwise." Jeno lifted their hands up to brush his lips against the back of Jaemin's.

"Who's house are we going to?"

"Mine. My brother doesn't get off until seven today. No one will be home."

"Alright then, we're going to my house." Jaemin ignored his boyfriend's statements, making Jeno laugh again.

"You scared?"

"Psh, scared? Me? Do you know who I am?"

"Sadly." That earned himself a shove from Jaemin.

They walked hand in hand to Jeno's house (Jeno finally convinced Jaemin he wasn't going to pull some fuck boy shit) and Jeno was unlocking the door when Jaemin's phone rang.


"Hey, okay so, there's this really cute boy right, and he basically just confessed his undying love for me and I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything, but then he said that's okay right, and I was doing just dandy until he told me he liked my thighs and I swear to god Nana I think I'm going to have a heart attack-"

Jaemin was tempted to hang up, but he was also intrigued.

"Who is it?" Jeno asked as they stepped into his home.

Jeno's home was small, but Jaemin loved it. Everything about it made him think of Jeno and all that he needed. It smelled like Jeno too, which was a plus. It wasn't just Jeno's home, it was his home.

"I can take a wild guess." Jaemin said away from the phone.

"Are you there?"

"Yes, I'm here. Hyuck could you calm the fuck down and breathe please? You're panting into the phone and it's making me uncomfortable."



"Can you both chill." Jeno whispered as he handed Jaemin a cup of water to cool down.

Grow your own boyfriend // MarkhyuckWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu