what could have been

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When Donghyuck woke up the next morning Mark was gone. The only remembrance of him being his faint smell on velvet sheets.

Donghyuck grabbed for something, he wasn't sure what, only retrieving silk sheets slipping between his fingers as he tried to pull himself into consciousness.

Where was Mark, was the first thought that voiced into his mind, but he pushed such thoughts away as he tried to worry about himself first, starting with the mere challenge of getting out of bed.

For him everyday was the same, so maybe that's why the thought of Mark being next to him when his eyes met daylight was quite pleasant. Mark was a change, something new to the boring daily grind.

Maybe that's also why when he made his way downstairs only to see a sight he saw everyday, his mother, it was pretty disappointing.

"Mom, have you seen Mark?"

"Seen who?"

His mother was sitting at their kitchen table, having her daily cup of coffee, black. It disgusted and shook Donghyuck to the very core.

"Oh um," good job Donghyuck you exposed yourself, "A friend who stayed over last night."

"No, I haven't seen anyone. Who's Mark? You've never talked about him before."

"He's new here, he just started coming to my school a few days ago." Nice cover up, Hyuck.
To be fair, it wasn't entirely a lie.

"Well you'll have to introduce him to me. Maybe he just went home? Call his parents and check."

"Y-yeah, I'll get right on that." Donghyuck tried to rush his way up the stairs, his mother catching his tail before he could.

"His parents do know he stayed over, right?" She inquired with a sip of her coffee. Sometimes that woman terrified him. All women terrified him though, his mother was just the frosting on the cake.

"What do you take me for?" Donghyuck faked hurt to which his mother hummed in response, another sip of black coffee. He rushed back up the stairs before the she devil could grab him again, her eyes following him all the way up until he disappeared from view.

Instead of going back to his room he made his way to the end of the hall, knocking on Jaehyun's door.

He heard lots of shuffling and- was that another voice? Whatever, he didn't want to know.

"What's up bud?" Jaehyun asked as he leaned on the door frame.

"Your shirt is on backwards." Donghyuck sighed and pointed to the numbering that was meant to be on his back, not front.

"Oh yeah, it is," Jaehyun noted and hummed before looking back up, "ignore that. Anyway, what's up?"

"Did you see a boy here last night or this morning?"

"You're gonna have to be more specific Hyuck." Jaehyun chuckled, his sunshine dimples piercing Donghyuck's eyesight.

"A boy about this tall, skinny, blonde hair?" Donghyuck demonstrated, but Jaehyun just shook his head.

"I had a friend here last night, but he looks nothing like that. He's-"

"I don't want to hear about your friend Jaehyun. So you haven't seen anything?"

"Well I did see a boy last night, but I thought I was just hallucinating."

"Why would you automatically assume you were hallucinating?"

"Don't worry about the petty details," Jaehyun chuckled nervously, but then he grew serious, "That boy, he seemed really upset about something. Heartbroken."

Grow your own boyfriend // MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now