Chapter 4

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~Martinus POV~

I just finished sound check for one of the upcoming concerts so I went to grab a bottle and check my phone. I took a big mouthful of water while I was checking my phone then I got water everywhere. ELLIE TEXTED ME!!! I'm so happy right now. But why would she text me? My heart started beating a million miles per hour. I was so nervous. I decided to finally open the message and it just said 

Ellie❤- Hi

What do I write back, so do I just say hi? Do I ask a question as well? What do I actually do I have never freaked out so much in my life. So I decided to get Marcus' help

Martinus- MARCUSSSS!!!!

I yelled hoping he would hear me from the other side of the stage. I knew he could hear me when he yelled back

Marcus- WHAT?!

Martinus- COME HERE!

Marcus- WHY?!


I watched as he ran over and stood in front of me.

Marcus- So why did I have to come here?

Martinus- What do I text Ellie?

Marcus- What do you mean?

Martinus- Ellie texted me and I don't know whether to say just 'hi' or 'hi, hows life going?' like I haven't been stalking her for the past 7 years.

Marcus put his hands on my shoulders and said

Marcus- Breath

I took a deep breath in and then back out trying to calm down my heart rate.

Marcus- Just write back 'hi, how are you?' plain, simple and also keeping the conversation going.

So I did exactly what he said

Martinus- Hey, how are you going?

My thumb hovered over the send button for a few seconds until it decided to hit the send button all by its self.

Now all I gotta wait for her reply

~Ellie POV~

They bubbles finally disappear and a text pops up. I am feeling so many emotions right now I feel like everything is just going to explode out of me. I'm freaking out. What do I reply? I've never been so freaked out in my life, so I asked the one person that started all of this and I knew she could help me

Ellie- Giuliaaaaaaaaaaaa

Giulia- Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

Ellie- I need your help with texting Martinus back

Giulia- Yaaaaay, I get to help

She got up and started doing her happy dance while I just rolled my eyes and tried to get her attention back

Ellie- Mate, remember I need help.

Giulia- Okay, so what did he say

Ellie- 'hey, how are you going?'

Giulia- Just write good but I miss you though

Ellie- No, I will just good 'good, how about you'. Yea that's good, let's do that.

Ellie- Good, how are you?

I quickly pressed send before I could back out. A few seconds later he responded

Martinus- That's good. Just been busy with everything. 

Ellie- Cool

'Cool' are you serious you big dummy. I am an idiot.

Martinus- Well I gotta go get ready for my show soon. I'm glad you texted me❤

OMFG I think my heart exploded. I put my phone down and for the rest of the night me and Giulia stayed up watching movies, eating food and playing games.  

A/N- Sorry this took so long to come out since I had camp this week and I was really tired after and busy. I hope you enjoy this chapter,

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