Chapter 12

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~Giulia POV~

I heard Ellie crying in her room so I decided to go check on her and see why she is crying. I knew Martinus left but there has to be more to why she is crying. I walked into her room and saw she was on the ground crying, with something in her hand. I started to slowly walk over to her and then sat next to her.

I slowly grabbed the note out of her hand and read it.

Dear Ellie,

I am so sorry for what you had to hear before, you have done nothing wrong. I'm staying at a hotel nearby with Lilly, not because I want to, it's just the world I live in and I don't want to drag you into this anymore that I have. Remember when you left and I mumbled something to you. I said 'I love you' and I have never stopped. You have always been on my mind even when we didn't speak to each other. I will always love you.

From Martinus❤

He finally confessed his love to her, but know he's gone. I wrapped both my arms around her embracing her. I could never imagine losing Marcus after he said he loves me. I could even imagine Ellie I would be heartbroken, destroyed inside. Lossing either of then cause I love them both in different ways.

Giulia- Do you want he to throw my sharp water bottle at him?

I heard a small chuckle come out of her, which made me smile. We stayed in that position for a few minutes until I asked

Giulia- Do you wanna talk about it.

She nodded her head sat up. I went to grab her some tissues and gave them to her.

Ellie- I can't believe he left, I feel completely heartbroken like I'm a huge stuff up and I can't even keep the guy I love. 

Giulia- You are not a stuff up. You are the most amazing girl in this world and he will come back.

Ellie- I still feel like I'd be worse if I lost you since you've always been there for me.

Giulia- I promise I will never leave you.

~Marcus POV~

I hate that Martinus is getting forced to stay away and I cant do anything about it. It's not fair it is happening to his love life, not saying I want this to happen to me and Giulia. I just think it is unfair that they had to go through 7 years without speaking to each other and then they get torn apart when they reunite. It is actually so unfair.

~Ellie POV~

Its been a few days since I last saw or spoke to Martinus and I miss him like crazy. I can't believe he said I love you and then left just like that. There has to be more behind it, he wouldn't just leave like that. I continued running laps around the oval when I saw a familiar shadow in the distance. When I jogged closer I saw it was... MARTINUS.

I sprinted all the way over to him and jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. I can't believe he's here. In front of me.

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