Chapter 6

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~Marcus POV~

I walked over to my phone once we were read just to check to see if I had any messages from Giulia and sadly there weren't any. I was about to put my phone down when it started ringing. I looked at who it was and it was Ellie?! Why would she be calling me? Is Giulia in the hospital? Just in case I picked up the phone and said 


I got no response but instead, I heard Ellie's voice speaking to someone. Maybe she butt dialled me, I do it a lot.

Ellie- So it didn't have anything to do with a certain guy that goes around with the name... Marcus Gunnarsen

I was about to hang up when I heard Giulia's voice came into it. 

Giulia- I have absolutely have no idea who you are talking about.

When she said that I knew she was lying we talked that morning.

Ellie- ask you wouldn't mind if I sent him this voice recording of you saying you don't know who he is?

I saw a hint of mischief in Ellie's voice and I'm still wondering why she called me.

Giulia- Please don't.

I heard Giulia pleaded if Ellie ever sent me a voice recording of Giulia saying that I knew she knew who I was I'm not an idiot.

Ellie- Admit you love Marcus

This is has got my attention now.

Giulia- Why?

Ellie- Just say it

Giulia- Fine... I love Marcus Gunnarsen

And then at that moment, I was over the moon. I can't believe she said that too me I am so happy at the moment. 

Marcus- I love you too Min kjærlighet

Then Ellie just hung up. If you're wondering what min kjærlighet means it means my love, I gave it to her once I realised I loved her and I was never sure if she knew the meaning or not. (A/N: I got this off google translate. So I'm sorry if this is wrong and I know google translate can be wrong sometimes) 

I am still so happy. This is the greatest day of my life. She admitted she loves me and I got to say it to her. If only it was in person and then I could of seen her face and gave her the biggest hug, but at least I got to hear her say it. Martinus walked over to me and said

Martinus- Why are you so happy?

Marcus- Giulia said she loves me

I felt like a teenage girl whos crush noticed them or something like that but I don't care. For the rest of the night, I felt like I could run a mile. I had so much energy and I can't wait to see her again so I can say it face face.

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