Chapter 9

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~Ellie POV~

I finished training a bit later today since I was trying to find every reason not to go home. But I had to eventually. I pulled into my driveway and I took a deep breath, knowing the guy I love is standing in my house with some other girl.

I got out of the car and grabbed my gear from the back seat and walked up to my front door. I opened the door and saw Giulia sitting on the couch with Marcus next to her and then I saw him. Martinus Gunnarsen. He looks even better than the pictures. I remember this kid from 7 years ago and know to see him all grown up. He still has the same chocolate brown eyes that I fell in love with from day one.

 Sitting on my couch sitting next to this girl. Giulia turned her head and gave me an apologetic smile before Marcus turned his head to look at me and stood up to I'm pretty sure to give me a hug. 

Marcus- Hey Ellie.

Ellie- Hey Marcus.

He gave me a hug then pulled away scrunching up his nose.

Marcus- Why are you all sweaty and smelly?

Ellie- Because I was just at training.

I moved my eyes away from Marcus and they landed on Martinus. He was staring right at me. I looked away because I know I was going to break down crying if I kept looking.

Ellie- I'm going to go have a shower.

I quickly ran upstairs but I stopped halfway when I heard

Martinus- Hi Ellie.

Ellie- Hello Martinus.

I quickly resumed going back upstairs.  I ran into my bathroom and let the cold water hit me as I washed my body. I washed my body and got dressed in my WB tracksuit pants and a WB jumper. Just to let you know most of my clothing is Western Bulldogs.

I walked back downstairs and towards the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen I saw everyone standing there.

Giulia- Do you know Lilly Harewood?

Ellie- Yea, I do. Nice to meet you.

I extended my hand so she could shake it. I grabbed a packet of chips and started eating them when my phone vibrated

Bonty- Are you coming to training tomorrow?

Ellie- Yea, I am. What time do I have to be there?

Bonty- 8 am sharp.

Ellie- Okay.

Giulia- Who are you texting?

Ellie- Marcus, he's just letting me know about training tomorrow.

Marcus- But I'm Marcus.

Ellie- You do know there is more than one Marcus in this world.

Marcus- What's his last name?

Ellie- Bontempelli

Giulia- Can't you take one day off training?

Ellie- Remember my game is next week. So I need all the practice I can get.

She just rolled her eyes at how much I train with football.

Marcus- I remember when you tried teaching us football. Remember that Martinus?

I moved my eyes over to Martinus waiting for his answer.

Martinus- Yea, I do.

I saw a small smile on his face than our attention turned over to Lilly.

Lilly- Whats football?

Martinus- It's an Australian sport, which I enjoyed playing.

I looked back over at Martinus and he had a small smile on his face as if he was remembering all those memories forever ago. We were locked in a gaze with each other until we both snapped out of it when Giulia spoke

Giulia- Does anyone want to go bowling?

~Martinus POV~

Ellie is even more beautiful than I remember. I love how passionate she is about her football. But when she talked about this Bontempelli dude I felt a ping of jealousy run through my body. We are currently all sitting in the car with Marcus and Giulia both sitting in the front and me in the middle of Lilly and Ellie. While we were driving to the bowling alley, Lilly was clinging on to my arm like I am hers, which I am not this is just for show. Where Ellie looks like she cant get far enough away from me, which hurt a little bit. 

Ellie's leg accidentally touched my leg while we were in the car and it felt like a million electricity bolts shot up from my leg. I smiled at the feeling that I got from touching her. We played a game of bowling and with the contract that I have with my publicist, I have to act like a loving boyfriend to Lilly. When I looked over at Ellie she looked broken, hurt and jealous. This is all my fault.

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