Chapter 11

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~Ellie POV~

We both walk through the door laughing at something Martinus said when we saw everyone standing in the lounge room. Marcus and Giulia both had a look and there faces that they look over the moon when they saw us walk in and Lilly looked jealous? I'm not quite sure.

Ellie- Hey guys?

I said waving my hand awkwardly to everyone.

Lilly- Where the hell have you been?

She said staring directly at Martinus.

Martinus- I went to training with Ellie.

Lilly- Why?

Martinus- Because I could.

Lilly- Do you know if you get spotted one on one with her. Your career might be destroyed.

Martinus- Since when did you care? Remember this is all fake.

Lilly- But you're meant to be MY boyfriend.

I'm starting to feel sort of uncomfortable, with this conversation. So I started slowly tip-toe away and then ran up the stairs to go and have a shower. When I got out I saw a note on my bed I walked over to it and it said

Dear Ellie,

I am so sorry for what you had to hear before, you have done nothing wrong. I'm staying at a hotel nearby with Lilly, not because I want to, it's just the world I live in and I don't want to drag you into this anymore that I have. Remember when you left and I mumbled something to you. I said 'I love you' and I have never stopped. You have always been on my mind even when we didn't speak to each other. I will always love you.

From Martinus❤

After that letter, I just broke down crying. I can't believe he said he loves me. Now he's gone.

~Martinus POV~ 

After my fight with Lilly she called my publicist and he said I would have to stay in a nearby hotel or horrible things will happen to Ellie and I couldn't let that happen to her. So I had to leave, it's killing me right now, but its the only way to keep her safe.

I had to let her know that I left and I didn't want her to feel like it was her fault that I left. All I ever want to do is protect her. I left her a note on her bed telling her I love her cause I couldn't go another day without telling her.

I need to see her again, I cant have another repeat of the last 7 years of my life. I did it once and everyone learns from there mistakes and I certainly did. 

Don't ever lose something that is so precious to you.

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