Chapter 16

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~Ellie POV~

It's been a month since Martinus and Giulia both left and I miss Martinus daily but I'm used it know so it didn't matter that much. I've noticed Emily and Marcus have been getting closer but I don't want Emily to get her heart broken because of Marcus. Marcus has sort of being going around girl to girl flirting with them and never talking to them again. He can't even remember their names.


We were at the mall just walking around and chatting when I tried to talk to Em but she was barely paying any attention or the same answer.

Ellie- Hey Em, would you like if I dyed my hair?

Emily- Yep.

Ellie- Do you like that shirt?

Emily- Yep.

Ellie- Look Marcus is coming over!

Emily- What! Where?

I started laughing at her, she snapped out of looking at... MARCUS flirting with some random girl. I finally pieced it together that Emily likes Marcus.

Ellie- You like Marcus don't you?

Emily- Yes, I do. Please don't tell him. I don't want to be embarrassed if he doesn't like me back.

~End of Flashback~

I woke up from the sound of something hitting my window. I rolled over to check what time it is and it was... 2 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!!! Who actually wakes up and that time. I snapped back out of my thoughts when I continued to hear something hitting my window. So being the smart person I am, I decided to check it out.

I grabbed to closest object to me which was my shoe... Wow, I really need to clean my room. I advanced towards my window with my shoe in my hand ready in case anyone would attack me. I got to the window and slowly opened the window slowly and picked out when I rock was thrown at me and I quickly moved out of the way before it could hit me and yelled out


My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I saw a figure that looks familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Unknown- I'm sorry, but I couldn't stay away from you any longer

This is so frustrating it sounds so familiar but I just can't, figure it out. I stayed quiet for a little while until I finally remembered whos voice it was.


Martinus- I'm so sorry Ellie.

Ellie- Go to the front door you must be freezing.

I through on a Western Bulldogs jumper and ran down the stairs. Martinus wasn't at the front door so I ran around the side of the house that my room was and Martinus was still in his position that he was before but he was kneeling on the ground with tears running down his face. I quickly ran over to him and gave him a hug and whispered in his ear

Ellie- Whats wrong?

Martinus- I failed you. I left you. How are you here right now, when I left you.

Ellie- Martinus, come on. Come inside, your going to freeze to death.

I stood up and pulled Martinus up with me and walked inside my house. I sat him down on my couch and went to go get him a blanket. When I he was shivering and his lips were blue, so I offered

Ellie- Do you want to go have a warm shower?

He nodded and I walked to the bathroom and grabbed some clothes off Marcus. When Martinus was in the bathroom, I went into the kitchen and grabbed some microwaved popcorn and once it finished it went into the lounge room and watched Teen Wolf. 

When he came back, he sat next to me and I paused the show. We sat in silence for a little bit and then he decided to speak

Martinus- I'm sorry for ditching you all the time. I can't even explain why. But you should be with someone who doesn't ditch you. Someone that makes you happy.

I touched his cheek and then said

Ellie- Martinus I love you and you always make me happy. I couldn't picture my future without you.


A/N: Hi guys, this id the final chapter of this story. I might do an epilogue and what happens to Emily and Marcus. I really hope you enjoyed this book. Thank you so much for voting and commenting on this book I really appreciate. I will publish another soon.

Thank you so much again You guys are the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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