At The Dog Show Pt. 1

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Red's Point of View

Yay! I made it to the park thanks to Blue, he was so kind as to offer me a ride here while on his way to the airport.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay? Just a few minutes..." I whine, crossing my arms above the lowered windshield of the driver.

Blue frowned, caressing my cheek. "No, Red, I can't. Not even for a millisecond. No matter how much I fretted, my family needs me to be there for my auntie. After I sign some contracts for the ownership of her part of the company, I promise you that I will return before your birthday."

My face made a huge smile. "Don't break that promise!" I giggled when he gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Goodbye, and if you ever feel sad, don't hesitate to call me you dummy!" He said before rolling up the window and driving off.

It's sometimes overwhelming to think about how powerful and wealthy Blue's family is, and there are moments where people get the wrong idea about my relationship with him. They think of me as a gold digger, but they are dead wrong. Because Bluey and I have known each other for many years, and there was a time where my family had more wealth than his. Though, our families are very different. His are much more supportive of him, yet he is often ungrateful, and rebellious against them...

Too bad his auntie passed away. I've met her some day in the past. She was a noble, and intelligent woman that cared so much for Blue since his parents were rarely present in his early life. I know that, deep down, he us affected by the loss of the person that attended his baseball games as a kid, that was there for each award ceremony, and that taught him a little bit of everything.

Woof, woof

Rarf! Rarf!


Hnnn, hnnnn

All around me, I could hear the delightful noises emitted by men's best friend. There were dogs of all shapes and sizes. I saw a golden retriever, then a husky, a german shepherd, a shi tzu, and even a chiwawa in a sky blue tooth fairy dress!! Awwww, he looked so adorable I could just pick him up and squeeze him like a squishy!

Then, I remembered.

"Oh yeah!!" I let out, searching for my smartphone. I have to videocall Vio, there is no way he can miss this spectacular dog show! I quickly searched for his account and tap on 'video call'.


No answer. I tap it again.




Still nothing! I wonder what's wrong. Could it be that my data isn't working well? Could it be that he has no Wi-Fi? Or could he have fallen asleep from doing piles of homework? Nobody knows!

"Hey! Red! Wassup?"

I hear someone call me from behind, so I flip around and wave 'hi', and smiled at who it was that greeted me.

Vio's Point of View

Huff! Huff!

I can't believe the subway doesn't have a line directly to the park. Yeah, it was a spectacular idea for the people that built this contraption to make something so inconvenient as to go to the park from the other side of the city. UGH. Sometimes people are so dumb that it makes me feel physical pain. Or no, maybe that's just the nausea from the fatigue of running all the way from the station to here. This show better be worth the awful feeling I have right now.

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