Chapter 17: The Unexpected (Part I)

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(Cleo's P.O,V)

"Zayn," I said softly, seeing him so angered and flustered isn't making me feel any better. I feel like my stomach is on fire and my head started to pound a bit but I pushed all those feelings aside in order to continue to see if Zayn was alright.

He didn't say anything except he stuck his head back into the hotel room and walked straight passed the boys and I into the bedroom not saying a word. Nobody moved.

"Cleo are you alright?" Harry asked me cautiously when Zayn entered the bedroom. My throat tightened to the thought of what's going to happen, but I nodded anyway.

Summer and Conor is planning to destroy Bradford. The place where I escaped my family. The place where Zayn grew up. It's going to be destroyed by a pair of worthless, pieces of shits-

Niall walked over to me and placed two hands on each shoulder. "Cleo, you're eyes are gradually turning very red and it's frightening me." That made me stop thinking and I looked straight at his eyes.

Somehow, what he just said threw me off guard. He smiled and said, "Better."

I'm used to scaring my brother and parents because of my eye change but for some reason, hearing Niall, a supernatural like me, saying that I'm scaring him sorta made me confused.

Was it the fact that the thought of scaring another supernatural never occurred to me?

Zayn opening the bedroom door and walking out with a bunch of jackets shook me out of my thoughts. He dumped them onto the couch and stared back at us. His eyes was a bright red showing his anger.

"Well," he started off, sounding slightly annoyed and irritated. "Aren't we going to leave?"

"Leave? why should we-"

"Because my birth place is about to get destroyed Louis. That's why." He said with a cold voice. I saw Louis flinch a bit but...I think I see his eyes began to turn bright, almost like he was going to lash out at Zayn again. I mentally shook my head, thinking it was all in my head.

"Zayn please, listen to m-"

"Why? It's clear what the stupid Stirlings are about to do so why aren't you following my instructions and trying to save your home town as well?" He said it a bit calmly but I still heard irritation in his voice.

"We don't even have a plan Zayn! And as angry as I am too we just can't storm into Bradford without a plan!" I said annoyingly.

"And have our plans work in the past? No! They haven't! So I think just winging it would be the best." He replied. That made me go quiet and with that I gave him a hard look, and walked past him to collect my jacket. My stomach was burning.

I began to walk out of the hotel room door, feeling eyes boring into my back so I looked over my shoulder.

"Maybe you should calm down a bit Zayn. Meet you guys outside." I turned back to face forward and began to walk down the stair leading to the lobby

I understand, fully understand Zayns reactions but his fuming anger isn't causing me any good physically.

As I reach the lobby. I saw it was quiet and vacant. There was still a lady by the desk but she looked bored, looking around for something to do. I drew in a deep breath and walked up to her and placed the hotel keys that was in my jacket pocket on the desk. She looked up.

"Thank you." I said calmly. She nodded her head and took the keys from the desk without saying a word. I turned around and walked out of the hotel into the destroyed streets but I ignored the debris flying and laying around and walked to the car in the parking lot.

Going In A Super Natural Direction (1D/Z.M) *HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now