Chapter 19: The Emergency

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(Cleo's P.O.V)

"Seriously? I-I can't. That's impossible." Liam said a bit nervously. We were all still outside sitting in the backyard. It's pitch dark but Zayn created flames around us, causing the area around us to have a campfire light like glow.

"Liam, I'm not sure but using what you said it's probably true mate." Niall said quietly.

"Why are you acting all scared? If I were you I would be excited that I could actually do something physically and not only mentally." Harry said.

"Well I don't blame him for being nervous." I said, disagreeing with Harry. "He's not use to having a part of his ability that he could use physically."

"Try to move something." Zayn said suddenly. I turned my head towards him.

"Zayn, I don't think that's a good idea-"

"Why not?" Zayn asked turning to meet my gaze. His eyes were a bit bright but I know it was because his abilities are active.

"Because we just can't experiment off of a theory without thinking of the possible results." I replied. Zayn shrugged his shoulders.

"So, what are the possible results?" Liam asked me.

"Well," I began, "You could faint." Liam's eyes widened. "Or you could grow extremely tried which slows down your abilities mentally."

We were all quiet for a bit, Liam looking like he was deep in thought. I felt Zayn glance at me now and then but I never met his gaze once, keeping my eyes on the grass below me. Niall and Harry was lookimg around.

"I'll try it." I heard Liam said softly. This made Zayn stand up all of a sudden and moments later he returned back with a bowl filled with crisps.

"Ok, levitate a crisp in the air." Zayn said setting the bowl in front of Liam. He retreated back to his sitting spot and I saw Liam raise an eyebrow at him.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes he is serious, try it. Concentrate." I replied for Zayn. Liam looked back at the bowl and let out a sigh, concentrating on a crisp.


After a few minutes Liam let out a sigh of frustration and groaned. "This is useless! I feel stupid and it's not working. Maybe fatigue was making my mind really go mad."

"Hm." I replied. Then I got an idea.

Liam said he saw things move while he was stressed and worried right? Maybe making him stress out will work.

"Ok fine." I said, going along with my plan mentally. "What time is it?" I asked randomly.

"Like, 9:28 P.M." Zayn answered looking at his watch.

"And we haven't even find out a clue where the Stirlings and more importantly Louis is going to be at next?!" I asked anxiously, glancing quickly at Liam.

His eyes were widened and he brought up his knees to his chest.

"Oh my goodness, what if we never found out and the next thing we know the Stirlings took over England. Oh no! What if they completely took over Louis and we can never restore him!"

I saw Harry began to pull at his hair, his began to become a neutral glowing green.

"Oh my God, Louis. Poor Louis. I wonder what your management would say when they found out an evil force that is taking over England stole him. Imagine what his parents would say." I said nervously.

At this point Niall was looking at me in worry and Zayn held a quizzical expression. He's probably wondering what came over me all of a sudden.

"I can't imagine what you guys are going through. Your best friend, your brother, never being the same way he ever was."

Going In A Super Natural Direction (1D/Z.M) *HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now