To the end of time

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    ~PART of Alice's vision~

    Aro gasps as he looks up at Alice, she realizes something before as she spat "It doesn't matter what I show you. Even when you see-" She takes her hand away from him forcefully "-you still won't change your decision." before she turns and warned Bella as she whispers now.

    Bella tells Seth to go, I look to Jacob "I love you." and I hear him whine, "I'll see you soon." I lie, knowing I probably won't get out of this again. Seth growls at him, forcing Jacob to hurry. I let go of Jacob, releasing his fur from my death grip.

    They begin to run, not looking back. I hear Caius order "Get them." and I knew they would go after the wolves. That was my job. To help make sure no strays follow. I would not allow them to hurt Jacob. I just wouldn't be joining them afterwards. It broke my heart, more than anything else. I saw Alice twisting, her foot hitting Aro under his chin, sending him flying.

But he landed near the back of the Volturi. He made his way back to the front as the the guards grabbed Alice.

    I froze, knowing I should leave, but I also couldn't force myself to move as I watched my sister and brother in the hands of the Volturi.

We all stepped forward, ready to defend them as Aro demanded "Take her away." and they dragged a struggling Alice, holding back a very angry Jasper.

    Carlisle was furious, ready to protect his coven as he yelled "Let her go!" and began to run towards Aro, ready to fight for Alice and Jasper. Two guard members went to defend the group, but Carlisle easily defeated them as he ran. Aro intercepted his path as they flew threw the air. But Carlisle's body fell with a thud as Aro landed gracefully, he turned to us.

    In his hand he held Carlisle's head by his hair. I heard Esme sob, her mate had been killed. We stood shocked as they lit Carlisle's body on fire. We all began to ran, I went the opposite way, going after the vampires who had made their way past us to go after my mate, Seth and Renesmee. I could hear the fighting. I wanted to protect my family but my nature forced me to protect Jacob.

    I ran behind the vampire chasing Renesmee, one was at her side, on the side that didn't have Jacob, the other was behind them. He began to run through the trees, I tried to keep my eye on him but I heard a howl and Seth began to whimper, as did Jacob. Something was wrong and Renesmee began to call out as the wolves went into shock.

   Someone had died, the wolves were whimpering as they ran. A vampire went down from the tree, trying to attack Renesmee but I leaped intercepting him. We landed in the snow in a heap, but went rolling. We landed before the two wolves and I heard Renesmee calling out. The vampire was above me, choking me though I did not need air, I felt my neck began to crack. It went by quickly as I tried to push him off, but soon he was tore off, dragged along by Jacob. I stood up, ignoring the pain in my neck. I watched as he and Jacob fought, flipping around as they continued in a fast pace as they fought, only a little behind Seth. Jacob won, snarling as he tore off the mans head. He checked on me before catching up with Seth was a bit ahead of us. I caught up, chasing after the second vampire.

    Then I heard a large crash, it was from the direction of the field. My mind was begging me to go help my family, but my heart was forcing me to follow Jacob. I finally caught up to the second vampire, leaping onto his back as my hands grabbed onto his head, under his chin. It forced him to stop, forcing me to fly over him. I flew into Seth who toppled over but swerved to avoid landing on Renesmee. Jacob growled to Seth, who got up and continued to run. But Jacob stayed as we wanted to finish him off.

     We could get rid of everyone who follows, but Seth had to continue, in case my family didn't win. After all, Carlisle was dead. Jasper and Alice were being held by the Volturi, they could be dead as well. They were some of our best fighters.

    Jacob snarled at the man, going at him while I recovered, standing up. He threw Jacob into the tree. I hissed at the man running at him I ducked under his arm which had swung to hit me. I grabbed but held his back in place. I tore off his arm. Jacob came at him again, tearing at the other arm as the man grunted in pain, immobile. With both arms torn off, I push him onto the ground, holding his chin I held him in place, letting Jacob get a grip on his head. I climbed off quickly as Jacob tossed the man around before finally his head released from his body. His body flew several feet away. Jacob released the head and I heard Seth howl, calling for Jacob.

    Jacob and I ran, trying to catch up. I would follow but would not travel with them. The Volturi knew my scent, not the wolves. They wouldn't be able to follow the wolves.

     Eventually I parted, stopping in place to make sure no one was following, if so I would be here to stop them. No one came. The covens had torn each other apart. Aro was nothing but a pile of ashes.

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