Chapter 14. Why?

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Ahhhh! Thank you so much to JuliaVeronik8 making me new covers for my books! I love them so, so much!!

Also omg this chapter get ready for the fucking gay

Natsu had been taken back to his room shortly after his... fit. Everyone was worried about Natsu but they were all too afraid to push on the topic.

Gray especially was worried about Natsu, he knew that something else was going on and he was determined to find out what. Gray walked down the hallways, heading towards the medical bay to visit Natsu.

Sobs racked Natsu's chest and he couldn't control his crying.

Gray whistled a tune to himself as he continued to walk along, thinking about the events that had happened.

Natsu's shoulders shook and he tried to stop his crying but he couldn't.

They growled at Natsu and raised their hand. Natsu flinched, expecting a hit but it never came.

They never left marks visible to the average eye.

Gray pushed open the medical bay doors.

Soon they were cursing and straightening their clothes. Natsu backed away across the ground until he hit the bed.

Gray was about to open the door but he was interrupted by a nurse who was struggling to carry two large vases so he offered to carry them for her.

They sighed and slipped out of the room without anyone noticing, Natsu's ear twitching at the sound of the closing door.

A minute later the door opened again and Gray walked in with a smile but it quickly disappeared when he saw Natsu. He hurried over and put his hand on Natsu's shoulder and Natsu flinched away in return.

Gray sighed and wrapped his arms around the still sobbing Natsu, Natsu's pain hurt him as well.

"Natsu, what's going on? I know that you're hiding something and... I'm scared Natsu. You know that you can trust me." Gray said, his voice cracking.

Natsu didn't answer, he just clutched onto Gray like a lifeline and cried into his shoulder. He didn't tell Gray anything.


??? POV

That was close, Gray almost caught me. I shouldn't have been so reckless but I couldn't help myself.

I wanted to see more of the fire that he said that he could never produce.

He refused me.

I almost, almost broke his nose or gave him a black eye, however, Gray is smart. Gray would know that something was going on and I'd possibly never get a chance with Natsu alone again.

I growled and hit the wall in anger, not minding the pain that spread through my knuckles. A smile spread across my face.

With a deep breath I straightened my coat and left my room with a smile on my face.

He won't find out.

I made sure that Natsu won't say anything.

Grays POV

"-and by the time I walked in he was sobbing."

Makarov opened his mouth but I cut him off.

"And it wasn't exactly a panic attack. He was sobbing and crying but no, it wasn't really panic. The last time I saw him like that was back in the castle. Usually whenever he has a panic attack he is triggered by a memory of Brain- or Zero- whatever. This was triggered by something else."

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