Chapter 17. vase

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Fuck Gary

Gray's POV

Gray ran through the medical center like a bull, catching the attention of many staff  and patients working in the wing that he was charging through. The fact that he was running towards the heavy doors guarding Natsu's room drew them in even more.

He skid across the floor, his shoulder slamming into the metal door but that didn't seem to slow him in the slightest. Gray hurriedly pressed his hand to the scanning pad however it turned red and denied him access.

"C'mon... C'mon!" Gray yelled in frustration as he tried to scan his hand repeatedly yet it kept denying his access.

"Gray? What's going on?" Wendy asked for all of the others that were watching Gray with confusion.

He turned around and looked at Wendy with fear in his eyes. "Wendy, I need you to go find Levy. She's out with Gajeel and she has the highest ranking security pass here, it can't be disabled without Makarov's code."

"Then why don't we just get Makarov? Or Miss Erza?" Wendy asked.

Gary looked over a clock, checking the time. "They just left to go back to the main base. It'll still take them over an hour to get back by now. That means... Lyon is in charge."

As if on cue, Juvia burst in with weeping woman with pink hair by her side.

"Something is wrong! Mr Lyon won't wake up, even when Juvia threw water in his face!" She yelled which just put everyone else on edge.

"Wendy, go." Gray ordered and Wendy nodded before running off towards the exit while others went to find any other ways to get in.

Wendy ran as fast as she could through the base and out into the front courtyard. She ran to the nearest vehicle which happened to be a horse and swung herself up into the saddle grasping the reins tightly.

"Open the gates!" She yelled to the gatekeepers who nodded and started to open it at a slow pace.

"Lets go!" She yelled as she kicked the horse in the sides to make it start running out of the gates, barely getting through the small gap but she didn't have time to wait for them to open.

The horse sped down the road, Wendy's blue hair and skirt whipping in the wind as they raced along. She cut off of the main road and through a small trail in the trees- a shortcut.

The bushes and trees whizzed by her, her body jerking forward as the horse jumped a fallen tree and kept running on.

It was Natsu who had taught her to ride a horse. That alone would be enough to make her ride through hell and back on a horse.

Soon she burst out of the forest and ran back to main road which leaded down hill, she could see the town coming up in the distance and started to run faster. She ran into the town, now having to dodge civilians who were walking too.

"Excuse me! Sorry!" She called to them as she rode by.

Levy had gone to see Wendy before she'd left, talking dreamily about how Gajeel was going to take her out to a fancy restaurant later that day. Thankfully, there was a drain pipe that the Dragon Slayers often used to get out to the streets in the road just in front of said restaurant.

Wendy knew this area like the back of her hand.

She cut into an alleyway and burst out on the other end before turning sharply, there it was. The horse basically skidded to a halt and Wendy tied the reins to a post with a quick knot before nearly knocking the door off of its hinges.

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