🔫little girl🔫

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a door closes and yagima was left alone in a boyfriend's home

she got up and sighed angerly. then tilted her head and sat up to follow. but the phone beeps.

she checks it and growls. then went to follow him. first walking, then breaking into a sprint. she summoned a glowing red hot knife while running.

she hid it from the public but shouted "IM DONE!" then ran faster to her home. a bunch of guys broke in and to the back yard

yugia was whimpering afraid out there as she was getting hit. she cried loudly "YAAGIIIII!" she cried lookjng around, unable to see

yagima slid infromt of her and whistled. two shadows came out of the trees. yagima got a axe and ready to bash one of the men's face in, giving the knife to yugia

"every girl is capable of murder" yagima sung "so watch out you dont push us any further"

"BUT YOU FUCKING HURT HER" kill and rita step infromt of their children and rita loads her gun. then a battle started

yagima growled at her boyfriend and bashed his head in. well yugia was holding the axe and yagima was helping her.

kill and rita killed the other 3 guys who were stealing items from their home.
a bullet shell fell onto the pavement as the last shot was fired. kill cleaned up the mess with her scythe and lead her family inside

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