the feast

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at the dinner table of the fire kingdom's Castle, all queens and princesses from different nations and kingdoms were there for a feast. even some prince's. and that was the problem

the entire time, the ice prince and the fire princess stared at eachother. they didnt blink, talk or do anything. just. stared.

the shadow nation queen sighed (nations have lesser Queens) "can you two just say sorry and move on?"

no responce

scarlet poked her head through the window

"come on!" the earth kingdom Princess giggled and poked vulcan "cheer up!"

vulcan actually talked but in a low mutter "i am very unhappy right now, do NOT touch me."

"that is ENOUGH!" the fire queen said "YOU TWO NEED TO APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW"

and yet again no response

"do i need to get your guards in here vulcan" the queen threatened

vulcan broke into laughing "your insane. you think THEY will help!? THEY HATE HIM AS MUCH AS I" which was a lie cause she wanted him to burn in hell. whicj was pretty powerful since he was a ice element

"then you need to at LEAST calm down" she said

"i was perfectly calm until you said that madness" she snickered but her gaze never left jason's eyes. that girl was actually slowly going crazy. "plus i told eris to get another job since i dont need help"

the shadow queen rubs the fire queens shoulders to calm her

the shadow princess (who was a bit of a emo) poked her head out behind vulcan "oooooo she hates youuuuuuuu" she said jason

"jessie enough!" her queen snapped and she giggled returning to her seat

the nature princess was bouncing on flowers. she soon reached the window where a firedragon was infront of "hiya drago!" she pets its head

"WAIT-" the fire queen started

"its alright, lily communicates with every animal the right way" the earth queen giggled

she rubbed scarlet, earning a gurr from the big monstery thjng

vulcan and jason were silently dead eyeing eachlther again.

the earth prince blinked "wow you really have a grudge on her huh"

"i hate dragons." jason responded

"dont worry we hate you too!"

"we?" the princesses looked at vulcan confused. the queens just dismissed it.

"hm now should i tell you girls.."

"oo tell me tell me!" jessie bounced

"yeah im.interested too" the wind kingdom's Princess Chime said drinking tea.

"me too!" lily giggled

"doesnt sound painful to find out" celeste, the light nation's Princess said

"maybe it would" the water nation's princess sea drop whispered to celeste

"will it be pretty?" crystal, mineral nation (earth is basically plants, mineral is below) princess said

vulcan smirked "hm text me later."

"girls girl calm down" the mineral nation's queen said signing

everyone had siblings. besides vulcan. some even had more then one princess but they were with their kings rn. the older princesses and princes were invited not the younger... mainly cause of the fact of fire and ice.

nightshard (large dog size) was next to jessie, liking her since she was shadow. she was also staring at the ice prince growling. she was the only other person besides her friend ben to know about the egg. and she was all about protecting it. she rubbed nightshard's head.

a few hours later vulcan was very very unhappy.

-ice prince
-has been wearing dress for a while
-has been SITTING for a while
-dragons have been waiting for her
-oh hey nightmare memories
-wondering a lot about her guards.

vulcan was still staring at the ice Prince but totally forgot he existed because of the fact she spaced out for hours

"hey vulcan?" the shadow Princess poked her and whispered in her ear "want me to illusion you? me and the other girls are worried."

vulcan nodded slightly "please and thank you i feel like im gonna explode in a few seconds"

she giggled a bit and covered her in roses. vulcan burned herself at the same time with a match syria has given her. to everyone else vulcan was still in a dress but to the princesses, vulcan was in her normal clothes. she let out a huge sigh as she wore a rose necklace. "thanks jessie."

"how are your nightmares?" chime whispered to her

"...getting worse" she muttered "i'll tell you guys later go back to your seats before your moms yell at you"

they did so

vulcan then realized somethung from staring at jason "hey asshole"

"be nice vulcan" the fire queen huffed

"where's your sister?"

"we had to leave her at home because she said she was sick. her tempature was high" the ice queen sighed

vulcan finally averted her gaze away from him and went onto the group chat

[the dragonborn🐉]: glacier are you actually sick

[a blizzard❄️]: nah fam

[the dragonborn🐉]: you slick bastered

[a Blizzard❄️]:😘😄

[the emo🔪]: lol

vulcan huffed "hey mom when is this over so i can go to bed"

no responce. hah.

more time passes before everyone leaves. vulcan went to her room and locked it. she sighed and went to the group

[the dragonborn🐉]: meet me at midnight at the dragon keep.

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