Charlotte and the man

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this one isnt really based on a song. its from my dream. i copy and pasted it from my hangouts (cause like hell im gonna write it twice) so its very choppy and i was lazy with spacing shit out.

Charlotte and she lived in a town next tl the beach. she had light purple streaks in her brown hair, a lilac shirt and blue pants with grey sneakers. one day though as she was going to school she saw a man with a red and black trail in the sky, far above the trees and flying away. "who is that" she asked. her friend replied "i think he's a criminal... i dont know though". "he looks really cool..." Charlotte replied. "what if i was with him?" she asked. her other friend was shocked "you're parents would be worried if you went with him!" charlotte shrugged and went to school.

each and every day at around the peak of dawn, Charlotte would see the man with the red and black rings around him and trail, flying away. she went to her mom "hey mom do you know whats northeast of this town?" her mom looked at her "its a forest that then turns snowy. dont go there honey there are criminals there.."

another month later Charlotte got this strong erg to follow him and be with him. she watched him fly away again and muttered "maybe if i become a cat i can leap on his back between his rings and hang on... i can find out where he goes." she said outloud. her friends looked at her, one saying "you really wanna go up there?" "yes!" she said. the other friend sighed "welp see you in jail then." Charlotte hugged them both "if my plan goes through, i will never forget you both" she smiled

that night she stayed outside om the beach, watching the sky. cops passed by, making sure the mysterious man wasnt any where near. after all.the cars left, at 3:00am the man appered. Charlotte was tired but turned into a brown cat. she ran over and lept onto his back. her claws helped her stay on and he didnt seem to notice. but as he flew away he suddenly said "who are you." he grabbed her off and growled. she sweated "u-u-um....h-h-hi...i uh... wanted to come?" she said nervously. looking down she saw the snow cover the trees. he suddenly landed on a ship that was rested on a hill. he threw her onto the floor and other people came along.

a red haired lady came along with a cigarette in her mouth, "hey marvin we should try for one of those candy palaces." she had black eyeliner and black lipstick. she wore black leggings that stopped inches before the ankle and wore a red tshirt. her eyes were grey.

"oh yeah we keep going for that little town. it doesnt have very much but i sure would like some chocolate ahahaha" a tall man laughd. he had grey hair and ripped brown shorts and tshirt. he wore sandles and seemed to be holding sake.

"i got my money fot the day" a girl, 4 years older then Charlotte (18) with greyish purple said. her shirt was a torn dark purple shirt and she wore black leggings. she had a umbrella that was black and purple. then bent down to Charlotte "awwwh who are you!"

a man with spiky grey hair and goggles on his head walked in. he had a lab coat and sneakers. his eyes were a strange yellow. "should i bring up the ship?"

"SHUT UP FOR A SECOND!" marvin yelled and grabbed the cat. "who are you and why did you follow me!" Charlotte sweated and turned normal "i-i-im charlotte a-and i wanted to join you guys..." he growled "do you even know what we do for a living?" she nodded a bit "y-your criminals..." "AWWH the little kitty is a girl! marvin we should keep her and teach her out ways" she smiled "shes your age too, right?"

a few minutes later after all the bickering about Charlotte being om board she snuck outside and looked down the mountain. she saw a bunch of little people bouncing around even though it was still night "wow no one messes with these guys huh" they all avoided the mountain. she turned around and saw another mountain but with a giant candy palace. her mouth drooled as she looked at it. she heard steps next to her and snapped her neck where they were coming from. marvin was walking up to her growling lowly. she looked at him and thought 'wow he looks actually really hot...' he yawned and said "alright you can be on god damnit." he lead her inside "ace fly us to the candy palace." the guy put on his goggles and went into a room. the main room they were all in looked like a living room with everything secured down so it wouldn't fall over if the jet moved. in another room, there were beds there but only enough for the members. they also had a kitchen, a bathroom and a planning room. she was impressed. her stomach soon growled. "hold on little lady we're goin to the candy palace. theres a bunch of these around, no ome will mind if we steal a little sweet treat" he let out another dry laugh.

the purple girl seemed to love charlotte. dhe had little cat ears on her umbrella. when ace parked the jet on another hill, everyone went out besides Charlotte, purple girl and ace.

"im Alice by the way" she smiled "you seem, you keep staring at him." "u-um.." Charlotte didnt know what to say. she had to admit he looked really cool and strangely attractive but she didnt kmow much about him. she liked his silky black hair, his suit, his red eyes, it was qeird. she let out a small nod.

after a hour the group came back with a bag of treats. ace took and hit auto pilot as he went tk the sleeping room. Charlotte nommed on a giant gumdrop. "oh by the way, thats raccoon" he.points to the drunk man "thats Cindy" she points to the women smoking "and im sure you know Alice" she nodded "who are you?" he asked. "i-im c-charlotte.." she said.

as the sun rose, author yawned greatly and headed to the bed room.with everyone else. "alright where should she sleep." he mumbled "i think.with you marvin" alice.giggled. Charlotte gained a blush. Cindy laid down, throwing the cigar somewhere. "and why not you? you seem to be like.a mom to her'" he muttered.."yes but i think it'll be cute." she smilrd and fell asleep in her bed. cindy passed out in hers.

Charlotte looked at marvin as he sighed "fine... just dont move or anything" he growled and got in his bed. Charlotte got in beside him, blushing more. marvin developed a blush as he soon drifted to sleep. then Charlotte finally drifted off

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