Another tagged

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"was trying to find something in another person's book so eh lets randomly do this cause im bored and its 11 pm and i should be sleeping but fuck school" yuri rambles

"was trying to find something in another person's book so eh lets randomly do this cause im bored and its 11 pm and i should be sleeping but fuck school" yuri rambles

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1 been drunk?

"ive been sleep drunk like right now" she giggled

"that's not at all compared to being actually drunk-" storm says before getting interrupted

"shut the fuck up damnit"

2 kissed someone-

yuri punches a nearby wall and cracks a hole in it. all the other ocs back away afraid... best you dont ask

3 broken-

"i regret ever fucking doing this again" her soul peice has little spikes on it. spikes apper on yuri and slam into the wall out of anger. another question that might be safer if you didnt ask

4 had sex?

"with myself" yuri smiles with her eye twitching

"sexy" kill giggles

"i dont think people want to know " freda sighs

5 had a threesome

"n-no!... l-looks hot though" yuri blushes under her mask and her tail went between her legs wiggling a bit

"pervert" snow giggles

"you are too!"

6 cried yourself to sleep

"oh many, many, many times" she smiles

"should... we be concern-"

"nope!"yuri interrupts zonark

7 self harmed?

"not fucking yet but lets not jinx it, there is still a future of hell waiting to happen"

8 been in love

"not sure? honestly ive been broken so many times im not exactly sure if i have felt it or not" she shrugs.

a majority of the ocs are afraid

9 cheated

"im a bitch but not that bitchy, unlike some of the girls on r/nicegirls"

"that reddit is really funny" ritiou snickers

10 standed on a stage?

"dude i did drama club for 3 years of middle school and band!" yuri exclaims "though its nicer to watch than be up there and sweating due to the lights"

11 been depressed

"if you want to know i advise rereading this entire chapter and figuring it out yourself"

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