Vulcan first learning to be diffrent

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queen of the fire nation and the king of had a small child they named Vulcan.

one day the queen of fire was talking to a 13 year old vulcan. "one day you will become a queen like me"

"how do i do that mom?" she asked

"you find a boy that you find very cute and attractive will marry you and you two will become the new king and queen!" she said happily

vulcan blinked confused "but... why do i have to find a boy? and why do i always have to be so clean and things like that"

"because" Queen Blaze said "thats what princess do when i was a princess"

"but all my other friends... they get to do all that fun stuff!"

"because they arent royalty" she said

"no fair... i dont like being royal..." she sighed

"don't say that honey. soon you'll learn to love it"

*time skip a year later*

one day a boy from the ice nation wandered into the fire nation. he once saw vulcan and became good friends with her. one day as they were walking they came accross a forest inside the fire nation that was actually very green.

"where are we?" he asked

"uhhh" vulcan pulled out a digital map "we are in the very very center of each nation and clan... its really big"

"whoa! hey look!"

vulcan looked up and gasped

a large dragon fire carcass was laying infront of them.

"whoa... what do you think happened?"

"i...dont kno- HEY!" vul ran behind it quickly with her hands glowing

the ice nation prince (yes) jason looked

vul was attacking a guy who was trying to steal a egg from a nest that was behind the dragon "HEY GET AWAY FROM HERE DRAGON KILLER!!"

jason stabbed him using a icicle. "you think he killed it?"

"definitely" vulcan said, looking at it "the wound looks like some human killed it"

"hey vulcan look" he picked up a egg that was in a bag the guy had. it was a dark egg with blue snowflakes.

"and this" vulcan picked up a fire egg "its cold... i dont think a fire dragon egg should be cold"

"and this is warm..." he said "i'll take this to my home"

"and i'll bring this to mine"

it took 2 years for the fire dragon egg to finally start moving. when the moon was at the highest peak and everyone slept, vulcan woke up to the sound of cracking. by this time she had her three guards but they were as well asleep... including the phoenix which slept on the top of the bed.

she sat up and pulled her egg out of the drawer she hid it in. her parents didnt like the fact she learned a spell to look completely diffrent from her normal look and the fact she had a egg. so the directions for the spell were in the same place as the egg.

the egg cracked and crumbled as a little dragonet made baby dragon noises. vulcan gasped happily, thinking bad because it took so long to hatch.

she got a text from jason, [vul i need you to come take my egg for a bit, just keep it cold]

she went to the destination where he was and told him to what happened. as she went back home quickly she bought some milk and baby formula. the minute she sat down on hrr bed the other egg hatched.

the fire one made a loud crying noise. feathers ruffling sound was made ontop of the bed meaning syria was waking from the noise

"eep! shh shh!" vulcan said and gave them both bottles of the stuff.

they soon calmed down drinking the drinks. vulcan sighed in relief and pet them. her eyes then sparkled "i can become a dragon trainer!"

"vul....shush..." syria groaned

"s-sorry" she smiled

a day later as she was nursing the children... on her shoulders. the Prince went up to her with a small box in public

"hey vulcan! i-i have a question." he smiled nervously while blushing. then knelt down and opened the box with a ring "would you marry me?"

everyone around her cheered as Vulcan looked around. she blinked looking down at him 'marry... the word when a young boy wants to be with you and love you for the rest of their life...' she thought. but then questioned 'whats the feeling of love? people say their heart's pounding and they feel happy.. but i feel normal. and he looks silly'

vulcan shook her head "no thanks. not really up for marriage or love"

everything went dead silent. she looked around confused "did i say something wrong? its just my opinion. just go find someone el-" she soon held her left shoulder lighter

jason was gripping the fire dragon tightly, strangling it as it cried

vulcan growled "LET GO OF IT" she grabbed him by the shirt and punched him in the head

he fell down and let go of the baby. vulcan grabbed it and the other one on her shoulder then ran to her castle. then texted him [YOU'RE FUCKED UP, IM SO HAPPY I SAID NO, WE'RE DONE BEING FRIENDS, GET AWAY FROM ME AND MY DRAGONS.]

she hugged the dragons and cuddled the other two "no one will hurt you on my watch"

4 years later and the prince still tries to hurt her in the midist of the wars of the fire and ice dragon. vulcan and one of her friends now tries to protect the forest she named "dragon's keep" since he does try to attack it.

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