the dragon

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all the princesses went to where vulcan told her.

"what... what do you want.." celeste rubbed her eyes tired. she was kinda small so she was getting a piggy back ride from her bestie chime

"sorry to have called you all here... cute pjs" vulcan said

"hehe aren't they!" jessie giggled and danced in her skull kitty jamies.

"so why did you want us" glacier asked, dragging sea drop.

"well, you guys asked what i meant by we yes?" vulcan said

"hmmm yeah!" lily bounced after yawning "i remember!"

"im.i interested" crystal said

"well... i learned this spell from this guy who taught me how to burn myself properly to become a diffrent person. it can momentarily turn me into a dragon on my hind legs. since i would be unbalanced, when i fall on my front feet, i can make lava spew from.rhe ground. ive... never done it"

"dont risk-"

"oooooo lets try!" jessie interrupted chime

"i was gonna. but im not sure how it will turn out if it works at all. only i can do it cause i apparently have dna of a dragon inside of me" she said

"whoaaaa!" they all said

"i knew it!" glacier said

"are you sure?" lily asked

"seems risky, you can barely handle teleportation" celeste said

"shut up, i know. but i really want to try this. back up" vulcan said.

they did so and crystal put a obsidian wall in front of them. jessie made it invisible to them

"ready?" vulcan asked.


vulcan took a deep breath and began glowing. nothing happened "awesome"

"maybe" sea drop spoke up "you need a lot of enemies hurting you a lot."

"that would make sense... but where are we gonna get-" vulcan was tackled down.

crystal threw it off "ogres!"

"why are there ogres here?" lily asked shaking "arent they supposed to be in the nightmare forests!?"

jessie looked at the big cherry blossom tree "i know why."

nightshard curled around wisp tightly. she looked at jessie

"we need to protect that tree" jessie said

"isnt it your lucky day vulcan!" chime said

"i just.wanna sleep" celeste groaned.

only a few of the princesses knew how to fight. well they all knew but they werent the best. jessie, sea drop, glacier and crystal knew how to beat someone up. especially vulcan of course

but there were a lot of ogres heading to the tree. vulcan heard nightshard cry in pain and roar. she ran over and threw the ogre back where the big group was. then ran over, starting to glow

"SPIRITS OF THE DRAGONS, H͓̽E͓̽L͓̽P͓̽ M͓̽E͓̽!!"  she roared and exploded into light

"SPIRITS OF THE DRAGONS, H͓̽E͓̽L͓̽P͓̽ M͓̽E͓̽!!"  she roared and exploded into light

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(art not mine fyi)

she ran staight into.the group as the princesses ran away. she took a huge leap right into it and landed heavily. the ground cracked and lava gushed out of it

(10:12 basically. just with lava included shes huge too)

the girls watch in shock as all the ogres disintegrated in the lava. the dragon stood there and smirked "guess all those rumors of me being a dragon were true..." she collapsed and turned normal.

"HOLY SHIT!" jessie ran over

"Oh no is she dead!?" lily ran over

vulcan's clothes were absolutely burnt. her privates were almost showing because she basically erupted into fire. she was unconscious with burns all over and she was barely breathing.

"HELP HER!" crystal said motioning to the healers

liky, sea drop and celeste began healing her. glacier was in shock "her parents and guards are going to kill us..."

"no no.. just she has a tendancy of not being at the castle right! just say she snuck out and hurt herself so shes recovering at one of our places!" crystal said "whos though"

"i cant, we shouldnt stress her out after that and if i bring her, jason will kill her out of stress" glacier said

"i cant, im worried about eris noticing and being angry. ben already watched this whole thing!" jessie said as the girls looked confused

"who-" lily asked

"nothing nevermind!"

"i can bring her to the light nation. i normally hang out with her at my place so it will be normal" celeste

"her nightmares are going ti be active though" chime rubbed her head softly "its gettjng worse huh jessie"

"i dont know how.. but i have heard out of rumors she screamed for help having one of them." jessie sighed "i dont know what's causing it"

"maybe the creatures of nightmares?" seadrop sakd

"those give me nightmares just thinking about them..." lily shivered "but they are so far."

tears fell out of vulcan's eyes. "whatever is doing it is hurting her..." chime said and wiped them.away

"chime your so gay"

"yup you too" chime said to celeste

"alright lets bring her to celeste's house before people come" crystal picked her up and held her.

they walked there, not wanting to risk vulcan getting sick.

"that was... really cool." jessie said

"yeah it was" sea drop said "but it hurt her greatly..."

"does she.have clothes there?" chime asked "cause hers are ready to fall off."

crystal put her down, taking off the scraps of clothjng left "glacier gimme your jacket, your tall enough and its long enough to cover"

she did so and they wrapped her in it. vulcan began sobbing softly.

"that girl needs help" glacier said as crystal picked her up

"how do we tell eris, rachel and syria..." lily said

"ill get nick to tell him since hes a shadow guard as well" jessie said "at least wisp is safe" she muttered and sighed "ben's gonna be pissed"

"dunno who ben is but eris is gonna be pissed at vulcan..."

they walked by the cave and the monuments of fallen dragons where vulcan opened her eyes slightly. "....fuck man..." she fell back asleep

"shes alive" crystal said "she woke up for a second."

they heard footsteps and sea drop broke inti a run "lets go lets go!" she whisper yelled and everyone began running

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