DIGGY!!!! (Part 3)

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Madison: Owww! Why u hit so hard?! (Rubbin her arm)

Y/n: Sorry...

When u and Madison was talkin, u saw someone at the doorway smiling at u. It was Diggy.

Diggy: Hello ladies! Sorry to keep y'all waitin. These girls out there are crazy.

Y/n: Hi! My name is Y/n!

Diggy: Hey Y/n! Thats a cute name.

U blush and smiled at Diggy.

Madison: Hi! My name is Madison!

Diggy: Nice to meet u Madison.

Madison was waitin to hear Diggy say somethin about her name, but he say anythin.

Diggy: Well Y/n, tell me about urself.

Y/n: Well.... Im silly, I love fashion, I like rollerskatin, and hangin with my fam and friends.

Diggy: I can tell u like fashion because u look swagged out and cute Y/n.

U blushed even harder and looked away.

Diggy: Dont be embarrased, when u blush its cute.

U never been talked to like this before by anyone. U blushed sooooo hard, u turned red.

Madison: Uhhhh!!!! Dont u have a show to perform?!

Diggy kept his eyes on u and u stared at his eyes to his lips. U thought to urself... *Damn his lips look sexy! They look soft to kiss easier and to get in the mood*

Madison: HELLO???!?!?!!!?!

When u and Diggy heard Madison yell ur eyes got wide.

Madison: (Breathin hard) Dont u have a show to perform?!?!

Diggy: Woah! Calm down! I wont be able to perform until 35 mins.

Madison looked mad and stormed out the room to her seat.

Diggy: Why is she so mad???

Y/n: Maybe because u aint sayin nuthin nice to her. (Laughin)

Diggy: Oh! I just forgot because I saw u.

Y/n: Oh Diggy! Stop! (Blushes)

Diggy: Why should I st... (Got cut off hearin someone yellin)

Y/n: OMG! Madison gonna get her ass kicked out.

U ran out and saw Madison kickin the stage and chairs hurtin herself.

Y/n: Madison!!! Chill! U gonna get us kicked out!

Madison: *Sniff sniff* Im sorry. Its just that *Sniff sniff* Im Diggy's biggest fan! And he didnt even say anythin *Sniff sniff* nice to me.

Y/n: Madison, its ok. Diggy noes that u are very beautiful and he told me that he loves ur eyes and smile. (U lied just to make her feel better)

Madison: Really?

Y/n: Yea.

Madison: Sorry for the way I acted. I feel so stupid!

Y/n: Dont feel stupid. Diggy is worried about u. (Another lie)

Madison: Really?! (Face lights up)

Y/n: Yea! U comin back or u need a few minutes?

Madison: I need a few minutes to myself.

U nodded ur head and went back to Diggy's dressin room and sat back down.

Diggy: What happend?

Y/n: She was mad at u. But she fine, I had to lie to her twice to make her feel better.

Diggy: What did u say???

Y/n: I said that u like her eyes and smile, that u said she was beautiful, and that u was worried about her.

Diggy: (Laughs) Wow! I cant believe she was mad at me.

Y/n: Yea. She is ur biggest fan too. So she got alittle jealous.

Diggy: Oh!

When u and Diggy was laughin, u saw Madison comin in really slow. Diggy got and walked over to her.

Diggy: Im sorry that I didnt say anythin nice to u. U are beautiful, ur eyes are beautiful too, and ur smile is perfect.

Madison blushes and Diggy hugs her.

Y/n: Awwwwww!

Diggy: Shut up! Anythin for a fan.

Then that when I saw Madison freak out and said somethin crazy.

Madison: Can u be my boyfriend?!

Diggy: Uh...... No. I cant sorry. Not intrested, I can be ur friend tho.

Madison: Ok.... (Lookin sad) Hey Y/n Ima be at my seat waitin for u.

Y/n: Ok!

Madison leaves and now its just u and Diggy.

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