We are just friends, nothing else.

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(There is going to be alot of back and forth on ur POV and Daniel's)

Y/n's POV

While I was driving, I was sooooo nervous to tell Daniel how I felt. This felt like I was 16 all over again, telling other people to tell Daniel that I like him, or I tell and fall because my knees get weak. Ugh! My head feels like its spinning! So much is on my mind. I pulled up to Ashely's house (I think its her house) and it looks soooo familiar. I park the car and see Diggy's car but not Ashely's. I knock on the door and Daniel answered it with a huge smile. He gave me a bear hug for like 15 mins.

Y/n: Can we go in now?

Daniel: Oh! *stops hugging* Sorry....

Y/n: Its ok.

We walk into the living room and I look at some pictures of Ashely. This was one of my bestfriends but....She ditched me and left with my ex-boyfriend. We sit down and it was an awkward silence, so I decided to break the ice.

Y/n: So....Whats up?

Daniel: Nothing. U?

Y/n: Well.....Im going to divorce Carlos and Im so sorry that he treated u like that. Sometimes he can be a bitch.

Daniel's POV

When Y/n said that she was going to divorce Carlos, I just wanted to jump up and down like a little girl. But I kept my cool.

Daniel: Yea...He is a little bitch to me tho. When he said that he was married to u, I just wanted to noe why u would marry a bitch like him. Also my looks are wayyyyyy past his level.

Y/n: *laughs* I dont noe what I even saw in him. There was something about him that made me want him forever. But u right, ur looks are wayyyyyy past his level.

I miss this with me and Y/n. I miss us being together, having these conversations, and just u noe, having a goodtime. I wish I can get her back but...I have Ashely and theres something about her that I love so much that I dont want to leave her.

Daniel: So.....What u here for?

Y/n's POV

Here we go. Gosh! Im so scared, I noe Daniel and he still loves me, right? I dont noe I just dont want him to reject me. I wish that I never left him.

Y/n: Ok. *breathes in and out* Daniel...Im not sure if u feel the same way but, I still love u meaning that I still have feelings for u. I cant stop thinking about u non-stop and I miss us being together. Us talking, ur laugh, ur smile, ur hugs and kisses, and ur gentle touch. With Carlos, I dont feel shit! I dont feel butterflies when I see him, I only do that with u. *lets a tear fall* I noe that u are in a relationship but....I miss u soooo much.

Daniel came to me and hugged me. I felt so much better being in his arms and letting that out. That lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders.

Daniel's POV

Wow! Im speechless right now. I had no idea that Y/n still had feelings for me and I want her back too but....What about Ashely? She is too sweet and kind, I dont want to make a girl cry especially Y/n. I still love her but I rather be friends than breaking another girls heart. This will really hurt me so much to reject Y/n and this will haunt me forever. This is my only chance to be with Y/n again.

Daniel: Y/n, u noe that I still love u but...I cant just leave Ashely while we are on a break. Lets just be friends and nothing more. This hurts me alot to even tell u this but I hate to hurt alot of people except the people I hate. But just remember that I still love u. *lets a tear fall*

Y/n's POV

I knew it. Daniel rejected me for Ashely. I mean like, I just poured out my heart to him and this is how he repay me? Im so done for even trying.

Y/n: *wipes tears* Ok. *says it sadly and leaves*

Daniel: Can I get a hug before u go?

Did this nigga just ask for a hug when he rejected me? Fuck it! Ima do it cause this is the last time Ima hug him and see him. I hug him then walk to my car. I drive off and go home to get ready for this divorce. Everything in my life is gone, I wont be married no more, might be single forever, have no kids or grandkids, and I wont have Daniel.....

Late night post! GN my luvs!


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