Am I not good for u?!

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~Next morning~

U woke up to the sound of birds, u look to the other side of the bed and u dont see Daniel. Now u were worried now. U dialed his number but it went straight to voicemail, u sigh and do ur hygiene thing. U throw on ur sweats, red shirt, a short sleeve jean vest, and red Adidas. U put on pearl earrings, ur gold bow necklace, cute cheetah ears with rhinestones, and ur long golden ring. U looked very cute! U grabed ur phone, purse, and hotel key. Then u go get breakfeast and u see Daniel with another chick. Now u were upset and walked up to him.

Y/n: Where were u last night?!

Daniel: With Grace.

Y/n: Why?! U noe that Im still ur girlfriend!

Grace: Bitch, get a life! Daniel tell her what u told me. *smirks*

Daniel: We're done!

Y/n: What?!

Grace: U heard what he said! U and him are over! He is with me now, right babe? *kisses him passionately*

Daniel: Yep!

Now u felt ur heart break into a million pieces, u left and went outside. U cried ur eyes out and questioned urself.....Am I not good enough? What have I done so wrong? Thats when it hit u, he was still mad that u still had a boyfriend. U wanted to tell him that u broke up with him but.....It wasnt now use now because he has a new girlfriend. U went back to the hotel room and saw all ur stuff thrown in the hallway.

Y/n: WTF?!

Grace: Sorry! U are not staying here now! U might as well go home bitch!

Daniel: Yea. Now fuck off! *slams door*

U was completely shocked. U grabbed all ur stuff and u heard Daniel and Grace kissing, laughing, and talking. U just wish that everything went back to normal if u just told the truth. U went into the lobby with ur head down and u saw Roger, Jacob, Spin, and Twist come over to u.

Spin: Hey Y/n, whats wrong?

Y/n: Daniel broke up with me. *crying*

Spin: Why? *hugs u*

Y/n: Well I totally forgot about my other boyfriend Julian and I also told Daniel that I was single and had no boyfriend. Also Julian was here and Daniel noticed that I was running. After meeting y'all he asked me why I was running. I told him that Julian my boyfriend was here and I didnt break up with him yet. Daniel got mad and left. I talked to Julian and we broke up. Then I came back to the hotel room and Daniel still wasnt there, even in the morning. I went to get breakfeast and saw Daniel with another woman. I got upset and he said that we were done! Grace was the girls name and the kissed right in front of me! I went outside for and minute because I was crying. Then I went back to the hotel room and saw all my stuff in the hallway. Daniel told me to fuck off and Grace said that I wasnt staying there and I have to go home! *crying*

Spin: Man, I see why Daniel was upset but I wouldnt think that he would take it that far. U are a great girl and yes, it was messed up to lie to Daniel in his face about u being single and no boyfriend. Also u never broke up with ur boyfriend until today to prove to Daniel that u love him.

Y/n: Yea.

Jacob: Dont worry, we gonna talk to him. And whats this girl name again?

Y/n: Grace.

Roger: Grace?! Thats my ex-girlfriend! She is annoying ASF and she ruins alot of relationships just by being a hoe!

Twist: Yea! She fucks every dude she sees and Daniel seems to be her next target. She might not leave him and she might want to get pregnant by him so they can be together forever.

Spin: Yea. I dont want that crazy bitch on tour with us and eating all my food! Thats for me!

Jacob: Man, ur greedy ass got pretty much a whole got damn market in ur room.

Y/n: *laughing*

Spin: U just jealous!

Jacob: Nawh bruh! U jealous that I aint no fat ass.

Spin: Nigga fuck u!

U really enjoy their company because they always find a way to make u feel better.

Spin: Hey Y/n, I can get u a different hotel room. Also Ima talk to Daniel to see whats up.

Y/n: Ok thanks!

Spin: No problem. U my sis and just because we just meeting each other, I can tell that u cool and fun to hang with.

Y/n: Awww! Thanks! I love u guys.

Everybody: We love u too!

Spin got u ur new hotel room and u unpacked again. U laid down in the bed still thinking about the way Daniel treated u. U would've thought that he would talk to u and get things straight. But he went too far and actually broke ur heart, now u are crying urself to sleep.

How do u like this story so far??? Any questions??? Just ask away! Happy reading!  

Put u down (Diggy simmons love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora