U made the biggest mistake

452 14 3

~Ur nightmare~

U wake up in a strange looking woods, it reminded u of Alice and the wonderland. U look in the mirror to see u wearing a blue dress, ur hair was curly, and a blue bow on top of ur head. U smiled to urself because u felt pretty. U walked around trying to get out but it was like a maze, then u saw Daniel.

Y/n: Daniel?

Daniel: What do u want? *attitude*

Y/n: No need for the attitude! What are u doing here?

?: Babe! The baby is coming! OWWW!

Daniel: Im coming! *runs off*

U follow him and u see Grace! She was having his baby! U cry and everything didnt look like a wonderland, everything looked evil. U tried running back but it felt like everything pulled u back. U turned around to see Grace, her baby, and Daniel smirking at u.

Y/n: Why are u doing this?!

Grace: Because u are NOTHING! HAHA! Now u have to pay the price.

She hands the baby to Daniel and pulls out a knife.

Y/n: Daniel! Dont let her do this! *crying*

Daniel: Go to hell bitch!

When he said that u felt something go inside u, it was a knife. Grace and Daniel laughed as u fell to the ground. Everything went black then-


Y/n: NO!!!!!! *breathing heavy*

U try to get ur breath and u were sweating bad. U look at the time and it was 12:00.

Y/n: Damn! I slept that late?

U got up and did ur hygiene thing. U put ur hair into a ponytail, lotion up, put ur bra and panties on. U look through ur stuff and find a cute light blue, green, and dark blue dress. Then u found a short sleeve jean vest with a cross in the back made out of gold rhinestones. U throw those on and put on ur black and gold sandals. U put on clear lipgloss, black eyeliner, blue earrings, ur blue big bow, and ur golden bow necklace. (Its ur favorite necklace and u wear it all the time.) U put on some cute black glasses with cat whiskers on the sides and a blue bow on the corner. U brush ur teeth, grab ur phone, grab ur hotel key, and ur blue purse. U decided to go pass Spin's room to ask him if he and his friends wanted to go to Ihop. U knock on the door and Spin answers.

Spin: Hey sis! Wassup?

Y/n: I wanted to noe if u and ur friends wanted to go to Ihop and get breakfeast?

Spin: Sure! We'll meet u in the lobby.

Y/n: Ok! Bye Spin! *leaves*

Spin: Bye sis! *closes the door*

U go to the lobby and sit down on the couch. U see Daniel and Grace sitting together but Daniel didnt look too happy like he was yesterday. U rolled ur eyes and sat down. U can feel Daniel's eyes all over u, then in the corner of ur eye u can see Daniel walking to u. U move but instead he followed. U got so irritated that u stopped and looked at him.

Y/n: What?! *attitude*

Daniel: Please Y/n, let me ex-*GCO*

Y/n: No! U already told me to FUCK OFF! Meaning that u didnt love me at all! How long have u known about that Bitch?!

Daniel: 3 months. *looks down to the ground*

Y/n: Exactly! U knew her wayyyyyy more longer than me! We only been together for a few days! *crying* U went behind my back to meet this hoe! I have been loyal to u, I even let u TAKE MY VIRGINITY AWAY! I cant trust u noe more! I came here with u to support u but what did u do? U TREAT ME LIKE SHIT!!!

Daniel: Please Im sorry Y/n! I didnt mean for this to happen to u! Grace talked me into it and she even gave me.....head. *looks down*

Y/n: FUCK U! Dont u ever talk to me again! *walks away*

U walked back into the lobby to see Spin, Jacob, Twist, and Roger. Roger looked pissed because Grace kept seducing him and Spin lookes worried because he saw me crying.

Spin: What happened Y/n?

Y/n: Ask Daniel! He wanted to apologize now and he thought that everything would be so fucking perfect! *crying* I dont noe what I did so wrong to deserve this shit!

Spin: Lemme go talk to him. U coming with me, ard?

U nodded ur head and went to Daniel. He was on the floor crying, for what reason? He did that shit to u and u were very hurt!

Spin: Get ur ass up!

Daniel got up and he looked at u but u looked away.

Spin: Why the fuck would u try and apologize to her?! U could've done that shit yesterday! U hurt her very bad and the way she told me how u acted was CHILDISH! Now u knew that Grace went with Roger and also cheated on him breaking his heart. Why would u do the same with Y/n? U noe that she is a keeper.

Daniel: IDK OK! Grace talked me into this shit and gave me head! *crying* Im so fucking stupid for doing this shit!

Spin: U damn right! Ur ass need to think more cuz it seems like it would take u years just to fix Y/n's heart.

Y/n: No it wont take years. *looks at Daniel* It will take forever! *walks away*

Spin: U better fix this shit because I dont want Y/n being sad forever! *walks away*

Daniel's POV

I dont noe why I did this shit! I loved Y/n like she was my everything and now she is gone. She was the only one that I loved, my FIRST love. Ima talk to Grace and try and get my baby back. I walked into the lobby to see Grace seducing Roger, he looked pissed and it looks like he wanted to slap the shit out of her annoying ass.

Roger: MOVE GRACE!!! *balls up fist*

Spin: Lets go cuz Im starving!

They leave and I go to Grace and she looked shocked.

Daniel: Grace, we need to talk.

Grace: About what?

Daniel: Lets go to the hotel room to talk about this.

We go to the hotel room and she sits on the bed while I stand against the wall.

Grace: Now what do u wanna talk about babe?

Daniel: First of dont call me babe anymore because I cant do this anymore. Im in love with Y/n and the reason why I was with u because she still had a boyfriend. It seems like she doesnt have one now. I fucked up and treated her like shit! I treated her so bad and I regret ever doing that shit to her. I need her back!

Grace: Wow! What happend to our 3 months together?! I was ur first love!

Daniel: No u wasnt! Y/n was and u was just my side chick. Sure Y/n and I didnt even date for years or months but I lost my virginity by her and kissed her first before u. I just liked hanging out with u but......I couldnt deal with this no more. Ima go get my baby back!


Daniel: When?! Haha! *leaves*

Ima get the love of my life back before it was too late.

Yayyyyy! Daniel gonna get u back! But what will happen? Will u go back to him or reject him?       

Put u down (Diggy simmons love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora