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(It got deleted! Ugh! I forgot to copy the thing now I gotta write the whole thing again!)

Y/n's POV

I was thinking of a plan to get out of this mess for me and Daniel. Then it popped up! Ima try and have a date with Trevor.

Trevor: Well? Who do u pick?

Y/n: *sighs* Trevor.


I grabbed my phone and txt Daniel. Ik that he might be pissed but after I tell him about the plan he would be happy.

Daniels POV

I am so pissed right now! How could Y/n pick that crazy mothafucka?! Then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket letting me noe that I got a txt.


Bae❤: Dont be mad. This is a trick for Trevor and what makes u think that Ima go with his crazy ass?

YG: Cuz....U picked him.

Bae❤: No babe. Im saving u and me. U noe that I still love u.

YG: I love u too. So what do I gotta do?

Bae❤: Ima get Trevor to go on a date with me while u get the police.

YG: Ok. Sounds like an easy plan. U be careful cuz Im scared that Trevor will kill u.

Bae❤: He wont. U noe Im a very smart girl.

YG: Ik bae. Ima go and get the police now. Love u.

Bae❤: Love u too babe!


I get up and I can here Trevor laughing. I was still mad at his dumbass. I get in my car and go to the police station.

Officer: How may I help u sir?

Daniel: A stalker has my girl and she gotta plan to arrest him.

Officer: How many police me u need?

Daniel: As many as we can get.

Y/n's POV

We go to Trevors house and he kept feeling on me. I swear, I felt so disgusted.

Y/n: Can u stop feeling on me?! *irritated*

Trevor: No. U my girl so....I can do whatever I please.

Y/n: Nawh nigga. I will break up with ur ass. And if u want me to be ur girl u gotta do something for me.

Trevor: Whats that?

Y/n: Dont TOUCH me, dont TALK to me, dont even TRY and have sex with me, dont be DISRESPECTFUL to me.

Trevor: Sounds like u dont wanna be my girl.


Trevor: Who tf u think u talking to? *pissed*

Y/n: Um....U! Who else? *getting smart*

Trevor drives faster to his house and when we got there he pressed on the breaks really hard. He got out, slammed his door, and walk to my side. Trevor pulls me by my hair and pulls me out the car.

Y/n: Get off my hair! *trying to get free*

Trevor: Stfu bitch!

I grabbed my phone and txt Daniel the address. I just hope that Daniel makes it here on time before Trevor does something to me.

Daniels POV

Y/n txt me the address and I tell the police that its time to go. We drove to the house and Trevors dumbass left the front door open. We walk in slowly and quietly into his house then I heard Y/n screaming.

Y/n's POV

Trevor was trying to rape me! I was so scared that I started crying and screaming.

Y/n: GET OFF OF ME! *crying and screaming*

Trevor: Stfu! *slaps Y/n in the face*

Then the door open and Daniel pushed Trevor off of me. He grabbed me and hugs me while I cry on his chest.

Daniel: Its ok. Im here now. *strokes Y/n's hair* Arrest him.

The police arrested Trevor and dragged him out the house. Trevor kept giving us death glares getting me scared. Me and Daniel went home then went upstairs to our room. We layed in the bed still awoke because we thought that Trevor might have called one of his friends and told them to see what we were doing or follow us. But it was getting really late and I was getting really tired.

Daniel: Babe?

Y/n: Yea?

Daniel: Did u fall in love with Trevor when u first met?

Y/n: No. I liked him but....No one can ever replace u. *smiles*

Daniel: I love u.❤

Y/n: I love u too.❤

We kiss for about a good 2mins and then drifted off to sleep. Now we can have a normal life in peace without no one stalking us or trying to break us apart.

I have no idea wtf happened but....It deleted and I had to re-write the whole thing. 

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