Chapter 21: Kiss The Girl& Forgive

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Billy p.o.v.

I don't know what I'm feeling, anger, disbelief, sadness all mixed together in me and I feel like I'm going to explode.

"YOUR NOT MY FATHER!!!!," i scream and storm into my room. I don't know what or how to feel. When i heard the door close quietly.

"Billy?" It was Ross that i used to call 'father' i don't know what to feel about him now. "What!," i said coldly, okay maybe i shouldn't be hard on him it wasn't his fault he didn't knew but still.

He sigh and put a firm hand on my shoulder, which I shook off coldly and stare at him with no emotion showing on my face. He sigh again before saying...

"We'll work through this my son, i mean Billy err..." he broke off looking at the distance, then look back at me with a smirk on his face. Uh-oh.

"At least you don't have to worry about dating Kelli." His smirk rose more when my eye widen "what!!? It bad enough your not my father and now your acusing me of liking kelli!" That harsh.

My 'dad' shook his head, smirk fallen off his face. "Whatever you say Billy." He sat on my bed, his head looking at the ground.

Okay so i admit that was harsh but in my defense it not good teasing somebody love life when they find out you aren't their dad and sure still piss off.

Do I even have a crush on Kelli? Do i? Maybe.

I sat next to Ross and surprising he spoke first. "It bad enough what I'm feeling and my past and your very young for all of this." He sigh and continue "i shouldn't blame you for being piss off."

He got up and started walking when i piped up. "No, maybe i do like Kelli? But I shouldn't mad with you cause you didn't know," i never apologize before and it felt nice.

Ross came over to me and gave a bear hug, which i gladly gave back, Ross sigh again and plopped down on my bed again. "What wrong?"

"How do get Laura to like me again." Now i know they had a past together. I nodded before saying "just kiss the girl."

"Okay," he said smiling before getting to door before stopping at the door. "If Kelli come up here use your advise 'just kiss the girl," he wink at me then left.

So he wants me to kiss Kelli? Not a bad idea ;)

Ross p.o.v.

'Just kiss the girl' the idea of Billy gave me kept ringing over and over againin my mind. After all what happen and all that years, I'm gonna kiss Laura after all those years.

I shook the thought off and walk into the living room. Surprisly Kelli wasn't there, just Laura. I smirk at the thought i left Billy with telling him to kiss Kelli.

"Sup' Laura" i said casually using my signature nod. "You still use your old catch phrase 'sup'," Laura said, rolling her eye. Typical Laura, i thought, feeling a smile crept on my face.

Laura just never change after these year, i just realize that what I love about her, how she never change no matter what happen.

"Haha anyways...i was wondering if you can forgive me," she smile sweetly and I couldn't Handle myself. I smash our lips together. Best. Feeling. Ever!!!

I felt all the clićhe feeling: butterflies, firework, all that. Like i said earlier Best. Feeling. Ever! Sadly that feeling were quickly gone when we broke our lips apart.

Kelli p.o.v. :D

I walk into Billy room to find him all calm. "Hey," i said depading wether to go in or not. "Sup" he said and sat on a chair.

"How are you doing?" After i ask that question i mentally slap myself. Of course he not okay! He just nodded but he seemed deep thought.

I sat on the bed and waited for him to say something! He got up and walk towards me. For some reason i have a wierd feeling in my stomach. Butterflies?

Man! Maybe i do like Billy :O

"No I'll be honest i-," he didn't finish his sentance before slipping on a rollerblade and crash and landed on top of me. Our faces were four centimeter apart.

He suddenly starts leaning in. OMFG. He gonna kiss me!! Before I know it i start leaning in also.

Our lips smash in middle and I felt fireworks, big firework that is, as our lips move syn. We both broke apart when it became hard to breathe.

"Well...." He started but i cut him off by kissing him again, and he kiss back! I literally felt like the world's luckiest girl.

AN: Check out my other story ~The~ StoneWalker it awsome you guys are gonna love it trust me. anyways Comment what you think about the chapter at least three comments then I'll update ;) DON'T FORGET TO VOTE THE CHAPTER!!!!!!

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