Chapter 8

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*Daichi's POV*
I unlock the door and step into the house. I can hear Yui singing Rei a lullaby and the creaking of the cradle from Rei's bedroom. I head to the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water to sort out my thoughts.

I feel warm hands circle around me. "Dai-chan are you ok?" That reemphasised the fact that I had let such a great woman down. She was concerned for me. She loves me. And I? I went to Suga's house to lament about how I didn't love her, somehow having a one night stand with him. "I...I..." My mind got thrown into a dilema. Should I tell her the truth and hurt her? Or hide the truth? I was never one to lie but if she finds out later she would completely lose her trust in me...

I give up. I cannot lie.

"I...I slept with Suga. I'm sorry." I mutter, praying that she wouldn't hear somehow.

I could feel her tense up behind me.





"This is not a joke right?" She withdraws her hands.

"I......No. We were both drunk and... I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. I..." I lapse into silence, too afraid to turn around and meet her in the eye. I hear sniffling behind me. I turn behind and slowly look up at her, "I'm sorry. Please don't cry." I gently wipe away her falling tears. She brushes off my hand.

"I...I need some time alone. I'm sorry." She runs into our room and slams the door behind her.

"Waaaaaaa..." Scared by the loud noise, Rei got startled awake. I hurriedly shuffle to Rei's bedroom. "Shh... Hush little one. Mama is angry so she cannot be here with you. Be patient with Papa ok?" I cradle my crying baby girl in my arms. "Shhh..." I start singing to calm her down.

"Long time ago

In a place so far away

Lived a young young boy

Who loved things he can't explain

He loved how the flowers bloomed and grow

He loved the river's weeping willows

He loved this girl as beautiful as the sea

Hair dark as night and bright honest eyes

They would sit in the park and talk about things

The little boy would always sing

The little boy would always smile

So the girl would never ever frown

But if the boy were to disappear

Would the girl be sad he wonders

If one day the boy disappears

Will she ever remember

The boy in the park that summer..."

I finish to find that Rei has fallen back to sleep. I gently kiss her on her forehead and tuck her into bed. That song brought a long lost sense of nostalgia. Suga always liked to sing this song back then during high school. He said it was something sentimental to him. But he seldom sings now. I realise how much I miss his singing voice. I stare at the closed master bedroom door. When did everything start to change?

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