Back On The Clock

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     I walked into the old workshop, the familiar scent of ink and wood filling my nose. I looked around. Cozy, yet eerily unsettling. There was something different about this workshop, yet I couldn't put my finger on what. I took a few steps deeper into the workshop, heading over to Joey's old office. Why he wanted to meet me here, I will never know. But he sounded... different. His letter was too serious, too rehearsed. The Joey I know joked around and wrote messages in code that made no sense, slipping them under our papers when we turned away. I smiled. I missed him. Hell, I missed everyone that worked here. Even the voice actors. Especially Alice's. Alice Angel, my favorite character in the animated series, and the cartoon character that made me realize I had a thing for girls. Her voice actor was so sweet and we were best friends. Until... I shook my head. No. I wasn't here to relive old memories. I was here to find Joey and see what he wants. I reached his office, but... he wasn't there. He must be deeper into the building. I went to the door, but it wasn't open. Guess I'd have to get the old ink machine powered up. I went into the ink room and saw it standing there, imposing and powerful. I shuddered slightly, wondering if it even still worked. One way to find out. I went into the room with the switch for it, noticing the puddles of ink everywhere. When I came in, all the items were missing from their pedestals, and lying on the ground. Huh. Strange. They were covered in ink. I picked them up and set them back where they're meant to go, then flipped the switch. I heard the sound of the ink machine powering up, then the sound of heavy footsteps. I turned quickly to see a cardboard Bendy cutout pop out from behind a wall, look at me, then vanish. I stumbled back and screamed. What. The. Hell. I noticed an axe laying at my feet, picked it up, and proceeded down the hall to where I'd seen the cutout move.

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