Part seven

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Colby carried me to his bed from his bathroom since I had been sleeping in his bed since yesterday when I got sick. I had just thrown up for the 6th time.

Colby: Ugggg I hate this!!

Alex: me too!! Wait why do you hate it? Your fine!

Colby: I hate seeing you in pain and I just want to cuddle you and make you feel better but I can't get sick.

Alex: me too. Thank you though. Maybe Lexi really did have the flu and that picture was from a while ago.

Colby: In the picture you can see Brennan's shoulder and if you look at any of his social media you can see that it's the same shirt. This was two nights ago for sure.

Colby got really mad and almost yelled this. He just got up and walked away from the bed face the door looking like he wanted to run out of it.

Alex: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up.

Colby: no it's fine. Some people just have really big mouths.

I didn't say anything. Did he really mean that. Oh no!!

I ran to the bathroom and he quickly followed. I threw up violently. It was so bad that I was just throwing up stomach acid and what looked like... BLOOD!!!

I was crying because it truly hurt so bad! I felt like I was throwing up my organs.

Colby: SHIT!!

Colby saw the blood and got really nervous. I continued to gag hard but nothing was coming out anymore.

Colby: I'm calling 911!!

Alex: no I'm- immmmmmm fine

The last thing I remember is saying I'm fine. All the sudden I woke up in the hospital. Colby sitting by me.

He saw me open my eyes and smiled. His eyes and whole face was bright red and he looked like he had been crying really hard.

Colby: hi silly!

I tried to speak but my throat hurt really bad and I couldn't get anything out but a soft little noise.

Colby: no no don't try to hard. Just relax. The doctor said you just had the flu and it got bad. But he thinks it is in its late stages so I will be gone very soon!!

My head hurt really bad and I just looked at him.

Colby: you passed out. They said it was because of the lack of food and nutritions your body needs. Since your a small girl it didn't take that long for your body to start shutting down. That's my fault. I should have made you eat a little.

I shook my head. It wasn't his fault and I wanted to talk to him so badly but I couldn't.

Colby: the doctor just needs to look at you real quick and then we can leave!!
I can cuddle you now because he said your not contagious!

He laugh and I tried to laugh at his cuteness. The doctor came in and asked me a lot of yes or no questions then we left the hospital.

When we got home he picked me up right away and took me to his room. He shut the light off and we laid down. My head against his bare chest and his strong arms around my little body. I felt good. I fell asleep.

I woke up to Colby getting out of bed. He smiled at me and went into the bathroom. I didn't feel sick anymore, just really hungry. I thought about eating right then and there but fell back asleep before I could do anything else.

Colby: no you cheated on me!!

Colby: I don't care if he kissed you first!

Colby: no your not! Don't you dare!!

Colby: Alexis!! Fuck!

It was kind of a blur but I realized what was going on and sprung up.

Alex: Colby???!

I said in a raspy voice.

Alex: Colby...??

Colby walked back in the room from the hall and walked over to me.

Alex: what is going on!!

Colby: don't worry. She is crazy but she isn't going to do anything.

Alex: she's not coming over here is she?

Colby: I can't stop her. She doesn't have a key and-

He was cut off by the front door shutting.

Lexi: Colbyyyyyy

Colby: shit!!

He walked out of his room and down the stairs. I needed to know that was happening so I followed but I stayed at the top of the stairs.

Lexi: hey baby!

Colby: no Lexi!

Lexi: I want you babe!! I need you! Right nowwww!!!

Colby: Lexi we are done!


I hope you guys liked this chapter. I put some work into it and I'm happy with this story so far.

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