Part ten

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Me and Colby went to the mall. We just wanted to walk around for a little while. Of course it had to be ruined though. We were walking past forever21 and i just happened to look inside. There she was. Lexi was standing there looking at cloths. And of course she had to look up. She spotted me and Colby and dropped her items as she rushed for the exit. Me and Colby were already holding hands so I pulled his arm along and started speed walking in the crowds.

Colby: what is going on?

Alex: lexi! She saw me and I saw her and she started walking this way!!

Colby: why are we running!?
Don't want her to know we are together??

Alex: COLBY!!

Colby stopped me. He turned around and spotted Lexi. He wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me over to her.

Lexi: ew! Why the hell are you touching her!??!?

Colby: I'm sorry who asked you what you thought and because Alex is my....

Alex: girlfriend!

Lexi: uh of course you would go for the ugly thot living in your home. That way you can ya know her whenever you want! How many times now??

Alex: excuse me! You are not going to talk to me like that!! You can't just go around calling me the thot when you cheated on your boyfriend!! Sorry he left you and found someone who won't make out with other guys!

Lexi: you whore!! I treated him better than you ever will!

Colby: no actually.. me and Alex have only been together for a couple of days and she has treated me better than you ever did!

Lexi: Colby! Come back to me!!

Colby: no Alexis!!

Alex: please do yourself, me and Colby all a favor and go somewhere and bother someone else!

Lexi: or...?

Colby: just fucking leave Alexis!! Come on Alex.

Lexi: whatever! Have fun with that boyfriend stealing WHORE!!

I was about to say something but Colby pulled me away fast. He rushed us out to my car and we got in.

Colby: we don't need you getting in a fight too!

Alex: just watch!!!

Colby: no Alex!!

Alex: fuck you!!

Colby: let's do it!!

I rolled my eyes at his kinky and annoying comment. He laughed and looked at me. He drove home that day because I was just to upset.

Colby: baby! You know I was just kidding with you. You shouldn't be upset!

Alex: this is your fault you know!

Colby: how??!?

Alex: you made me talk to her!!

Colby: I'm sorry.

I went inside and changed into a baggy t-shirt and sat on the couch with a blanket. Colby came and sat by my feet.

Colby: Alex?

Alex: hmmm?

Colby: you know I'm really sorry right!?

Alex: nice to know.

Colby: your still mad?

Alex: yup.

Colby: ba-

Alex: nope.

Colby: Alex... what do I have to do for you to forgive me?

Alex: nothing because I will forgive you when I'm ready.

I heard Colby's phone ding and then ding again and again and again. It started to buzz and he looked at it. He walked out of the room and answered. I had to know what was going on. I listened carefully.

Colby: I want to but I don't know how!

Colby: I don't know if I can get out of the house tonight...

Colby: I really want to as well. I miss it. I miss you and your body. I'm going try hard.

Colby: yeah hopefully I will see you around 2?!

Colby: sounds good! K bye

He walked back out there and acted like I didn't just hear his every word. I sat up and went to his room. I gathered my stuff from my room and his and the bathroom and went down stairs with it all.

Colby: Alex....?

Alex: I'm sorry! I can't do this! Your mom won't know I'm gone so I will see you later!

Colby ran up to me and grabbed my waist. I tried to get free but couldn't.

Colby: baby you aren't leaving me!

Alex: I'm done with the lies and shit!!

Colby: please don't leave! I will do anything!!

This time I used the whole "will do anything you want" trick.

Alex: okay. Tell me who you were on the phone with and who you are always texting now!

He froze. His eyes glossed over and face got read.

Colby: Baby!!

Alex: wow! Fuck off Colby!!

Colby: I'm not cheating on you!

Alex: then what do you call it?

Colby: Lexi has this weird thing. She can make me say shit I don't mean or want to even say. I don't ever feel the way she wants me to.

Alex: okay. I understand, you are going through a break up and it's hard. You loved her and she betrayed you.

Colby: NO NO!! Alex I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but that isn't true! Like fuck!!

For some reason I decided not to leave. I walked up the stairs slowly and locked myself in the guest bedroom. I didn't cry or anything, I just laid there and thought.

The "babysitter???"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora