Part eight

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Colby: Lexi we are done!!

It was quite. I didn't know what happened and that made me scared.

Colby: Lexi stop! Get off of me.

There was a thud.

Lexi: floor sex?? Fine by me!

Colby: no sex?? Fine by me!

Lexi: but babyyyy

Colby: when are you going to get it through your head! I don't want or like you Lexi! LEAVE!!

Lexi: you are my baby! My baby wants me to do this.

It got quite again and I could tell they were kissing. I ran down the stairs and pushed her off of him. Then I realized that he was kissing her back. He was enjoying it. I ran up stairs and locked myself in his room. I sat on the bed and cried. I heard more mumbled yelling and then the door slam shut.

Colby: Alex!! Please open the door!!

Alex: fuck off!

Colby: no!

Alex: I'm not talking to you. Night bitch. Go spend the night at Lexi's place why don't you!

I heard Colby sigh hard and slid down against the wall next to the door.

Colby: goodnight love.

I ignored him and fell asleep. When I woke up sun was just starting to seep into the room. I rolled over to feel Colby's body but realized it wasn't there. I got up and opened the door. He really did sit there all night. He didn't sleep though. He jumped up when the door opened. And followed me into the room. I laid back down and he laid next to me. Not touching me or anything.

Colby: I don't want to fight with you about this.

Alex: you were full on making out with her!

Colby: okay yeah I got into it but I don't know why.

Alex: you still love her...

Colby: no! I don't...

I looked at him. Tears forming in his eyes.

Colby: alex...

I cut him off by kissing him. He was taken back by it but then started kissing me back. It turned into a make out session and got heated. I stopped because I didn't want that from him. Not yet...

I got up and walked out of the room to go get food.

*time skip*

Sam was coming over and we were going to watch a movie. Not just me and him but Colby too.

The doorbell rung and ran to get it. I opened it up to see Sam. We hugged and I led him inside. As we walked by Colby holding hands Colby looked very upset. I winked at Colby but made sure Sam didn't see.

We all sat down to watch the movie. Me and Sam next to each other on the couch and Colby's feet on Sam as he laid across the couch.

We played one off the marvel super hero movies. About 1/3 of the way in Sam put his hand on my thigh and started to rub it. I didn't even look down so I didn't make Colby suspicious. Instead I put my hand down on his to stop his movements. He looked at me and I just stared at the movie. He tried to kiss me on the lips but I turned away. He tried again but this time Colby yelled at him.

Colby: SAM!! Are you drunk??!!

Sam: drunker than your mommmm

Alex: oh my god!

Colby: dude you gotta go!

Alex: no he can't drive home!

Colby: fine but he sleeps down here! And I think it's time for bed.

Sam: but the fun is just getting started!!

Alex: Sam... please go to sleep!

Sam: okay beautiful! Goodnight Alex! I like you!!

Alex: night Sam...

When Sam said this stuff Colby looked at me like I was crazy. He gave me a rude stare as we walked to his room.

Colby: I think you should sleep in the guest room for tonight.

Alex: Colby you can't be serious. Your not mad because of what Sam said are you?

Colby: I just don't want to be around anyone right now!

Alex: whatever!!

I went to the guest room and fell asleep. I woke up and Sam was standing in the door way. He walked over to me and sat down on the bed.

Alex: Sam...

Sam: I want you Alex!

Sam kissed me hard. I kissed back but only for a second before pulling away and looking at him cluelessly. He kissed me again but this time I tried and tried to get away but he was stronger than me.

Sam tried to take my shirt off as he took his own off.

Alex: Sam no!! Stoppp

He just wouldn't budge. At this point I didn't know what else to do but scream.
I screamed and Sam put his hand over my mouth.

Alex: COLBY!!! Sam stop!!

I thought it was over and I just had to let it happen but Colby ran into the room and shoved Sam off of me.

Colby: DUDE! What the hell!!

Sam: we were just having some fun!

Colby: fun!? Really so you think doing something fun was worth this?!?

Colby punched Sam in the face. Drunk sam tried to fight back but it was useless. Colby was so much stronger even when Sam isn't drunk.


He wouldn't stop punching Sam in the face. I was crying and screaming.

Alex: get off of him colbyyyy!!!!

I cried for him to stop and he did. He looked at me and walked out of the room. I jumped down to Sam who was bleeding really bad from his lip and forehead. His nose was definitely broken and his eye was puffy. I grabbed Sam and took him into the bathroom to get him cleaned up.

Sam: what is that guys problem??

Alex: I don't know Sam. He just has some issues.

Colby: really?? I just have issues!

Alex: Colby you just beat your best friend up!

Colby: because he was trying to rape the girl I love!!

My eyes went wide. I didn't say anything and neither did he. He realized what he did wrong and just looked at me. He loved me???

Colby: Alex...

Sam: hey dude! Let's fight! Round two!

Alex: shut up Sam!

Sam: oh okay

Colby: I'm sorry for saying that...

Alex: it's fine.. I know you didn't mean it.

Colby: I never said that I didn't mean it. I just said I'm sorry it slipped out.


Really hope you guys are enjoying this story so far!

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