Chapter 10

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Akiza's POV
Today was the day. My first court appearance.

I was being accused of murdering my own parents. Every teenager, most likely, thought of killing their parents...but they weren't actually going to do it.

That was my situation. I was being accused of actually murdering my parents.

While the real murder, might I add, is still at large. This is a waste of time.

I just want to go home. Maybe visit Yusei and ask him what yesterday was all about.

Okay...definitely asking Yusei what yesterday was about. What was that kiss all about?

Does he like me? Do I like him?

Yes to the second question. I've had a crush on Yusei for so long it's hard to pinpoint when it actually developed.
"Miss Izinski? You may address the court"
I flopped onto my couch just as my phone rang.
"Ughhhh," I groaned. I picked it up and slid my thumb across the screen towards the right without checking to see who it was.
"Hey, Akiza. How was-I don't want to talk about, Yusei," I interrupted, recognizing the voice immediately. He chuckled.
"Understandable," He answered.
"What are you doing now?," He asked me. I scrunched my eyebrows together.
"Talking to you. What else would I be doing?" I could feel him shrug.
"Oh I got to go. Bruno just walked in," He stated. I frowned.
"Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Bye," I finished and turned off my phone. I fell like I'm trapped.

Trapped in this cage with no way to escape. I need to fell free might be my last chance.

With a small smile on my face I walked towards my garage and hopped on my motorcycle and drove around town. Feeling the wind in my hair made me feel free again.

Like I had nothing to worry about. All my worries just kinda...blew away with the wind.

For that little moment I was free. If only I knew it would truly be a long time before I felt this way again.

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