Chapter 20

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Akiza's POV
"This is ridiculous! Someone framed me! You have to believe me!," I shouted at the judge.
"I don't have to believe anything, young lady," He spoke.
"Just the facts."
"You have until the end of the week to show me the slightest bit of proof that you didn't do this," He continued.
"What happens if I can't find any proof?"
"Then you're heading to jail."
"Yusei, I'm screwed. I have zero proof and I don't know where to start," I stated.
"I know. That's why we're all going to help you," Yusei spoke and opened my front door revealing all my friends, including Misty.
"Thanks you guys."
"Okay so what do we know?," Bruno asked after everyone pondered suspects and hardcore proof.
"We know Akiza has five days to prove her innocence," Crow said.
"We know that the real murderer is still out there and wants her behind bars, or just wants her silenced," Misty said.
"Care to elaborate that thought, Misty?," Sherry asked.
"Well think about it. Akiza is smart, the murderer would want her behind bars so she wouldn't be put in office to take over her fathers job because let's face it. She's the only other person cable of doing that job and wants her s-but why not kill her too?," Crow interrupted.
"S-I'm the weak spot," I discovered. Misty nodded.
"He or she didn't want to kill me because he or she cares about me." I smiled. We finally have a lead.

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