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Walking through the hall and out the door of the local high school, I hop down the steps.

The lyrics to Coldplay's

"A Sky Full Of Stars"

blasts through my headphones.

I had been walking with Mai but she'd spotted Adrien and walked over completely ditching me but I don't mind.

Turning the corner, I spot two white heads of hair in the distance leaning against the school wall.

One is a tall lean boy with snow white hair and pale skin. He leans against the wall with his side faceing me.

The other boy continues talking until he goes still. His head snaps towards me.

His eyes lock with mine. Jordan, but then whos the other boy? As if on cue the other boy turns towards me, his eyes locking on mine.

Before I can even blink he's already made it half way to where i stand.

Jordan realizing the direction of the boys path starts walking towards me at a very fast pace.

"Nate stop" Jordan snaps.

I sense something strange about the boy. Automatically my canines slip out in a low hiss.

The boy Nate stops right in front of me smirking,

"Aw your only in the beginning of your trans?" He asks, basically talking to himself "Sucks to be you" he says, answering his own question

Is he a vampire too?

Jordan walks up and stands beside the other white haired boy.

Right away I begin to notice the similarities.

The white hair, the high cheekboned pale face, the brush of freckles running up the sides of his cheekbones and his lean frame.

"So your the reason my sweet little brother here has been missing quality family time with me huh?" He says.

Jordan's brother?

It hasn't even occurred to me that he has family and a life....

"U-um" I mumble unsure of a response,

"Don't listen to him Lydia"

"So your Lydia" Nate smirks to himself before continuing, "Wait till you meet Reece! The three of us can have some real Vamp fun" he says while wiggling his eyebrows at me.

Ignoring his overconfidence my eyes widen

"You're a vampire too? and this Reece person as well?" I ask surprised.

Nate turns to Jordan with a glare,

"You seriously haven't told her about us?"

Jordan looks down scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

Rolling his eyes Nate extends his hand out to me, I pause before shaking it.

"I'm Nate, Jordan's amazing brother" he wiggles his eyebrows at me again before continuing "and Reece is our really good friend. The three of us live together. We're all vamps" he pauses,

"Let's all meet up later" he states

Jordan's eyes widen "Nate no" he says very sternly.

Nate rolls his eyes at his brother

"You want to hang out with some hot vamps, don't you Lydia?" He says in an overconfident voice.

Nate's right he is hot and he knows it too.


I look up at Nate who's starring intently at me.

"Um what?" I ask lost in my own thoughts,

"So do you want to come hang out with us or not" he asks.

"Oh right ya sure"


Dabbing my brush against the pallet of whites and reds,

I place the brush tip back onto the black canvas and begin to move it around in an abstract fashion.

Now that I think about it in the last couple weeks my style of painting has really changed.

I used to use either a dark or light colour scheme but now looking back at my most recent paintings I've started to notice the different shades of scarlets, whites and reds.

Even right now I'm using different shades of reds and whites against a black base.


Authors Note:

Hey everyone,

Thanks for reading this far, sorry for such short chapters. I'd like to know what you guys think of the characters and story so far.

If you've got any ideas I'd love to hear them. Remeber to comment and vote. :)

Picture of Nate to the side >

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