Chapter 1

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The bus boy.

I knew he looked like a punk who would belong in a fight club, and he did get off at the same stop. But it never occurred to me that he would be coming to Iron Knuckles. Ims stupid for not thinking about the possibility

"Ahh, what a 're you doing here? You're like, 10. Get out, you don't belong here."

I'm so done with people thinking I'm a child. I push his from away from me and stood up. "Fuck you, I'm 17 and. 1/2." And with that, I ran away from him and out of the fight club.

I guess I wasn't ready for the real world. I should have stayed home, and what did he a mean by 'you're like 10'? I look older than 10, I have Audrey Hepburn eyebrows, and they make me look sexy as fuck. I pushed past the crowd and exited the building. The cold air hit my face and I hugged my shoulders.

I really should have brought a jumper or a coat. The sky had gotten reasonably darker sinse I last saw it. I wiped my eyes and set off towards the bus stop. I felt my back pocket to grab my wallet, but it was gone.

Really? My brother virtually assaulted me and I lost my wallet. What is wrong with the world? I screamed out into the night sky and shove my hands back into my pocket. I shouldent have taken my life for granted. I should have been greatful for my life, I shouldent have been spiteful towarsf my father and brother.

I look back at the fight club and threw my head back. Seconds later I was back in the harsh environment. Everyone was chanting a name. I guess a fight just started. I sighed and made my way over to the circle. "Hi, have you seen a black wallet? Hello?" I asked multiple people but they didn't pay any attention towards me. I looked over at the circle to watch to fighting.

A tall, lanky man was raising his hands in the air, whereas a female was curled up on the floor. I gasped to see a female, were they allowed to fight? Holy shit, she isn't breathing. I covered my eyes until the girl was dragged off the ground. The next pair of fighters walked out into the circle.

One of them was my brother. His eyebrow was bleeding and he looked absolutely furious. They crowd screamed and he raised his hands, as if to calm them. They stopped screaming. Chris' partner walked into the circle. And it's was bus boy. The female audience squealed and clapped. Of course, he's a sex mobile.

Multiple girls were shouting out his name, and I would have thanked them if they didn't shout of such vulgar remarks.

"Fuck me, Luke! I want you!" I nearly threw up, but I learnt his name. This was the only fight I wanted to see, so I pushed my way to the front and crossed my arms. Chris saw me and clenched his jaw. Luke's eyes glanced over me, but didn't pay much attention.

Chris nodded his head towards a guy next to me, and the guy nodded back. I passed this off as a greeting and stuck my hands into my pockets. A fat, bald man walked into the middle of the circle and signalled silence. "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have our top fighters up for 1 grand. Without further a do, fight." The fat man ran out of the circle, if you could call it running, he kind of hobbled out like a little penguin.

I giggled and watched the fight begin. The boys sort of danced around the circle and then everything started quickly. Chris threw the first punch, and Luke took it to the face. I covered my mouth to stop a gasp. Luke slowly started to laugh and show his beautiful teeth, it was a gorgeous sight.

God, I just want to straddle his face.

That light moment changed in a Heartbeat. Luke moved extremely fast, bringing his fist to Chris' mouth. It all kind of happened in slow motion. Chris' head went back, and so did the rest of his body. He slowly regained balance, only for Luke to punch him in the ribs. Chris doubled over in pain.

I watched my brother get beaten. And I felt no remorse for him.

It only went downhill from there. Chris managed to punch Luke really hard in the jaw, and Luke was stunned. Lots of punches were thrown and everything went silent. "PUNCH HIM, LUKE!" The words left my mouth without me thinking. Chris stopped punching Luke and turned around. He looked sad.

Eveyone was looking at me, and Luke smiled. Luke punched Chris extremely hard in the ribs. Chris fell to the floor. The bald, fat man counted to five and everyone was screaming Luke's name.

Luke looked over to me with a bloody smile, and before I could do anything, someone picked me up and kissed me. I quickly noticed that it was the guy beside me. I tried pushing at him to get him to drop me, but I think it looked like I was egging him on. I really wasn't.

I was carried off from the croud and I was screaming into this strangers mouth. I felt someone pull the guy away and I saw the Authoritive guy. I dropped to the floor and gave the man a thankful look. He smiled and pulled the guy away by the hair.

I got up and ran back to the circle, but Luke was gone. I sighed and gave up. I wouldent see him again, unless I came here again. I continued asking people if they'd seen my wallet.

"Have you seen my wallet?" I asked a pretty blonde girl. She frowned and shook her head. "Do you need money? " She asked. I shook my head. "Bus pass. I live an hour away from here." I started walking away when she grabbed onto my arm. She handed me a white bus pass. "Come back tomorrow and give it back. I trust you." I beamed at her and walked away.

The cold air hit my face for a second time that night and I virtually ran to the bus stop.

Maybe I am ready for the real world.

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