Chapter 18

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"I don't have any clean clothes left." I said as we laid down on the green grass beside the pool. "I have a spare outfit in my bag, I had a feeling I would be staying over." I looked across the grass at him and snorted. "You're not getting laid, by the way." He let out a pained cry and laughed. "Do you have any movies?" I shrugged and sat up.

My pants were still damp, proving life to be very difficult. It was easily 7pm, and it was getting dark. "I think we have some in the living room. We could go to the store and buy some?" He sat up and grunted. "I brought my father's car here, so why not." Michael pushed himself to his feet and held a hand out to me. I grabbed it up and hardly tried to get up. Michael pulled my entire body weight up in a second or two.

"Holy hell, somebody lifts."

He sighed and shook his head. The backyard was trashed when we finished in the pool. There were torn up pizza boxes everywhere and pool chairs flipped upside down. I don't even know how the pool chairs were flipped, they just were. I laced my fingers in between his and he looked down at me with a surprised look.

"Can my Mikey Moo buy some popcorn as well?"

His face relaxed and he laughed. "Only if you kiss me." Scenes of last night flashed in my head and I walked back into the house, not caring about the popcorn. How could someone openly admit everything that he does, and then destroy the girl. I quite honestly felt like a disposable camera.

Michael sighed and followed me into the house. "So, you said that you're living with that guy and he isn't your boyfriend?" I grabbed my shoes and began slipping them on, nodding while doing so. "Why can't we go somewhere together? Like, why can't we kiss?" Michael's question raised multiple answers in my head.

a) Exactly, let's fuck.

b) I only just met you

c) I'm in love with a homicidal maniac that does drugs and has mummy issues.

Of course the third answer was a possibility, but I didn't love Luke. I decided to steer clear of being easy, so I chose the second answer. "Michael, you're the sweetest thing I've ever had the pleasure of become acquaintances with, and in time I will kiss you. But it's too early in the relationship to kiss." Michael cast an understanding look in my direction.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Am I still staying over night?" I nodded my head and tied my shoelaces up. "Can we stick to Rob Zombie and Wes Craven?" He raised and eyebrow and I laughed it off.


Michael grabbed the plastic babe ugh the movies inside and grabbed my hand. I had become used to his clingy nature - quite fond at that - and returned the gesture by leaning into his chest. He removed his hand and wrapped his arm around my waist. We probably looked drunk, swaying around on the sidewalk like maniacs.

His car neared as he twirled me around. A elderly couple glared at us as we fucked around, their pompous Chihuahua barking loudly. "Michael, the elders are critiquing us." He laughed and pulled me in close, ignoring the blaring gaze us our backs. He had a few inches on me, so he bent over slightly. His face was amply close to mine when a strand of hair fell into my face.

He nudged it out of the way with his nose and I giggled. "I don't care if people stare at us or even talk about us. I'm just so happy you're with me and not some ungrateful jerk. If you would let me kiss you, I would go and feed their Chihuahua to a meat grinder, that's how happy I would be." His lips caressed my nose and kissed it slightly.

I stood up on my tippy toes, returning the favour. "OI, YOU LOT! STOP MUCKING AROUND AND GET A BLOODY JOB! THE ECONOMY IS GETTING AWAY FROM US!" I laughed incredibly hard when Michael impersonated their Chihuahua in response. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the car before the old man could beat him with his cane.

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